Newsletter April 2021
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ETH Domain News
(Image : Kellenberger Kaminsiki Photographie)
Francesco Stellacci sees the world through the eyes of a materials scientist who is breaking new ground in virus research. The EPFL professor is looking for the formula for a broad-spectrum virus killer. His aim is not to contain the pathogen but rather to destroy it permanently. Sugar molecules are the means he intends to use for this purpose.

Martin Ackermann, head of the Swiss National COVID-​19 Science Task Force. (Photograph: Keystone/Anthony Anex)
In the eye of the storm
As Chair of the National Science Task Force, Martin Ackermann has to perform a constant balancing act between science, politics, the media and society. So how does he do it?

During drilling, the rock down in the borehole is first crushed. Later, drill bits mill the rock at the edge of the borehole so that the drill core remains in the middle. (Photo: Comet Photoshopping GmbH/Dieter Enz)
Safely stored for a million years
Switzerland plans to construct an underground repository for its radioactive waste by 2050. Three sites are under consideration. Researchers at PSI are providing data that will help in determining which is most suitable.

Brown Long-eared Bat. Photo: Stiftung Fledermausschutz
Zurich home to many bats thanks to connected green areas
There are more bats flying around Zurich at night than Paris or Antwerp. This is revealed by a new study led by the WSL, examining the diversity of nocturnal animals such as insects and bats in cities. The study shows that connecting green spaces and reducing light pollution are key to promoting such diversity.

Since 1 October 2008 Thomas Schulthess is Director of the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) at Lugano. As CSCS director, he is also full Professor of computational physics at ETH Zurich. (Photograph: CSCS / A. Della Bella)
"We don't just procure a new computer"
The flagship supercomputer of the CSCS, "Piz Daint", needs to be replaced. Installation of the successor computer, "Alps", is taking place in three phases and will be completed in 2023. CSCS Director Thomas Schulthess explains in an interview why the new computer is so special.

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Real-time biomonitoring for wastewater treatment plants
3 m 27 s
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