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Header Life Science Zürich
Newsletter 3/2022
Dear reader,

In this newsletter you find events such as the Science and Nature Festival taking place in June on the Irchel Campus. We also invite you to visit our Cafés Scientifiques or a new exhibition at Mühlerama on food and sustainability. By the way, did you know that the Life Science Zurich Learning Center developped a virtual lab tour (in collaboration with the University of Applied Science in Graubünden) which allows an interactive visit to a MR center? Read more about it below.

Best wishes,

Life Science Zurich
Silvie Cuperus & Helen Stauffer
Communication & Events
Cafe Scienfique
Our montly Cafés Scientifiques in the Coworking Lounge Tessinerplatz (Mondays, 19:00 to 20:30) are taking place again.

The next two events are:
 16 May 2022: «Growing Brains: Studying the Building Blocks of Human Behaviors» with Prof. Nora Raschle, Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, University of Zurich. Detailed information and registration here.
 13 June 2022: «The sustainable development goals as a framework for change» with Prof. Janet Hering, EAWAG, Detailed information and registration here.
Upcoming Cafés Scientifiques will be announced on our website and on Facebook. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our Cafés Scientifiques!
virtual Magnetic Resonance Center
Visit our new virtual Magnetic Resonance Center!
In collaboration with the Fachhochschule Graubünden (FHG), the Life Science Zurich Learning Center (LSZ LC) has created a virtual Magnetic Resonance Center that can be visited any time by school classes or individuals. You can visit it with your personal computer, tablet or cell phone. It is free, easy and fun, and you learn everything about modern MR scanners and techniques!

The LSZ LC had been offering occasional visits to real MR centers for many years. However, due to their intensive involvement in clinical work, the centers can be visited only rarely and can not accomodate all the classes. We thus decided to create a full virtual MR center that can be visited online, at any time, from anywhere, and for free.

In collaboration with specialists of the FHG, we developed a 360° interactive environment, in which you can circulate and learn about the methods and techniques used in such a center. You can learn about scanners, about data analysis techniques, and you can listen to the various professionals explaining their role and function. The visit is interactive, you can click on arrows to move from room to room, to listen to the various podcasts, and to simply look around!

The Virtual Center is available from our own web pages.

Have fun discovering these amazing centers and the remarkable work they perform.
Irchel Nature and Science Festival
11 June 2022 @ UZH Campus Irchel

Under the motto «Entdecken, erforschen, Vielfalt feiern» («Discover, explore, celebrate diversity») the UZH Faculty of Science presents itself to the general public. We are planning a day full of activities: workshops, guided tours and lectures for young and old. During the festival we will officially open the new museum, the Science Pavilion UZH. As part of the Irchel Science and Nature Festival, the Life Science Zurich Learning Center offers a workshop on insects and ecology. The workshop is also offered independently of the festival for school classes. More information can be found here.

The detailed program of the Festival will be available here from mid-May. Join us on a journey of discovery on the UZH Campus Irchel and in the wilderness of the Irchel Park! Please save the date and spread the word.
Forschung zum Aufessen
«Science on your plate» at the Mühlerama Museum
The new exhibition at the Mühlerama Museum takes visitors on the journey of our food. Different stops along the way focus on how the cultivation, processing and consumption of food affects the environment and our health. The exhibition seeks answers to one of the most difficult questions: How do we feed a growing world population? This exhibition presents how researchers at ETH Zurich are studying this journey of food and exploring new paths forward. It shows connections and presents solutions. See how mushrooms can grow out of buckets, algae is turned into new food products, and how insects transform waste into nutritious animal feed. Sit down and enjoy a feast that is healthy for both us and the planet. And get inspired by the varied event program! The exhibition was realized in collaboration with the World Food System Center of ETH Zurich.
New ideas for a healthy world: 10th anniversary of the World Food System Center
ETH Zurich established the World Food System Center to create real-world solutions for the key challenges in our food system. These solutions require collaboration from global and local stakeholders across the entire food value chain. Since its founding in 2011 and subsequent public inauguration in 2012, the Center has brought together researchers from across ETH Zurich with external partners. The entire team of the Center is looking forward to now celebrate these 10+ Years of Collaboration over the coming months in 2022. Please join the the events and in the discussions!
feminno call 6
feminno – female innovation and career development in Life Sciences
 Are you a female scientist from a Swiss University interested in innovation and personal development?
 Do you want to develop your idea into an innovation, generating a new technology, product or service either in cooperation with an enterprise or as a start-up?
 Are you interested in career opportunities at the interface between research, innovation and industry?
 Do you want to increase your self-confidence, internalize your strengths and trust your decisions with the support of qualified mentors?
If the answer is yes to all or some of the questions, then you may be a good candidate for the feminno program. Learn how to become a female founder, learn about leadership and get support for your career path in industry. For female scientists from female mentors!

Join our info session 31 May, 5:30 PM, in Zoom to learn more about the program. Our new call will start in September 2022, you can apply starting from June 2022 onwards. See the website for more information or check us out on LinkedIn to see what we are up to.

Marie Curie SciComm Workshop
MCAA Swiss Outreach Workshop: Science & Communication
This one-day SciComm Workshop pursues the question of how to create outreach for your research. It is open to all Marie Curie funding scheme fellows (former and current), as well as junior researchers and is free of charge. The speakers are experienced in science journalism and filmmaking, from public TV to tiktok, and have a strong academic affiliation. The event will take place in Zurich (UZH City Campus) on 21 May 2022, 10-16:30. A live stream on Zoom will be available upon request.

To take part in this event, please register by filling in this form by Friday, 13 May. The program and further information can be found here.
Workshop Data Sharing
How do you manage your data? Writing everything by hand in your lab book? But how can you share your data and protocols then? You probably wonder why you would want to share your data in the first place. Anyway, you don’t have the tools nor the time to deal with that… Well, you would if you knew how data sharing can boost your scientific career and that tools for data management are just one click away!

Open Innovation in Life Sciences (OILS) in collaboration with Benchling is planning an event (talk and workshop) on this topic in June. More information will follow on the social media platforms in the next weeks: LinkedIn and Twitter

OILS is an association led by young scientists from UZH and ETH and supported by Life Science Zurich. OILS supports scientists in integrating the principles of Open Science, such as data sharing, free access to scientific publications, and participatory research in their research activities. OILS organizes public discussions, workshops, courses and the annual conference Open Innovation in Life Sciences.
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