News, insights and stories of the Department of Computer Science.
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Strong forces on the student front
Dear readers,

In teaching, our primary goal is to provide students with advanced methodological and conceptual knowledge, which outlasts today’s technology, and the ability to critically assess and solve complex problems. Our graduates have the chance to use their acquired know-how to make a significant impact on the world and to tackle major problems of the future.

The third edition of VIScon, an event with talks and workshops organised by our students, provided insights into how this acquired knowledge enters the world and what is possible with it. It is remarkable how much the VIScon team, led by Nicole Wenzinger, is committed to inspiring their fellow students and building a bridge between studies and the professional world. Bravo!

And there is more news: Shweta Shinde joined the Institute of Information Security as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor, the new ETH AI Center opened its doors, alumnus Christian Reiter shares his personal story and in "Please meet", a kind of culinary surprise awaits you.

Enjoy reading and stay healthy!

Best regards,

David Basin
Department Head
• STAFF – Welcomes, farewells and updates
• CONGRATS – Prizes and awards
• WANTED – Open positions
• HIGHLIGHTS – Stories of the month
• EVENTS – Virtual happenings
• HOT – D-INFK in the news
• GOOD TO KNOW – Tip of the month
• PLEASE MEET – Federico Mereu
• UPDATES – New measures, classroom teaching suspended
Faculty and staff
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all new staff members who have joined our department by the end of last month. We look forward to working with you.
Our new staff

To the staff who are leaving us, we wish you the best of luck in your future careers and hope to work with you again someday.
Welcome, Professor Shweta Shinde

Shweta Shinde has joined us from the University of California, Berkeley, as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Computer Science. She conducts her research at the intersection of trusted computing, system security, program analysis and formal verification. Get to know Shweta in this short interview.
Read interview
Alexander Ilic appointed Executive Director of ETH AI Center
Since 1 October, Dr. Alexander Ilic has been heading the new ETH AI Center. As co-founder of the spin-off Dacuda and twice named Entrepreneur of the Year, he is no stranger to ETH Zurich. Particularly motivated by the talent-focused approach, he is looking forward to helping shape the leaders and the AI landscape of tomorrow. Welcome back, Alexander!
Read article
Prizes and awards
Congratulations to our faculty, researchers and students who have won prizes, awards and fellowships for their work. We are proud of you and thank you for asserting our reputation.
Browse our award section
ERC Grant
Dr. Bernhard Haeupler, who joined the Discrete and Distributed Algorithms Group led by Professor Mohsen Ghaffari in September, has received an ERC Starting Grant. Welcome to the department and congrats!
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Former doctoral student Felix Berkenkamp has won the ELLIS PhD Award for his doctoral dissertation titled “Safe Exploration in Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Applications in Robotics". Congratulations!
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Five ESOP 2020 students
Five new Master's students of our department were awarded with an Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP) scholarship. Congratulations, Hongruyu, Wenjie, Mikhail, Vaclav and Zilin!
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Open positions
Doctoral fellows for ETH AI Center wanted
The new ETH AI Center is looking for doctoral fellows. Candidates with a strong academic background and a Master’s degree in computer science, physics, engineering, applied mathematics, or other relevant fields are invited to apply.
Application deadline: November 30, 2020.
Apply now

Apply to BRCCH Postdoctoral Excellence Programme
The Botnar Research Centre for Child Health (BRCCH) supports scientifically outstanding and innovative research to improve the health and well-being of children and adolescents worldwide.
Application deadline: January 13, 2021.
Apply now

READ.ME occasionally features open positions at our department, in academia and at D-INFK spin-offs. Would you like to advertise a position? Contact us.
More open positions
Stories of the month
Our actual attention is now measurable

Mihai Bâce, doctoral student
Doctoral student Mihai Bâce from the Distributed Systems Group, working together with alumnus Sander Staal and a professor from the University of Stuttgart, has developed a system to measure the visual attention paid to a smartphone during a user’s normal day.
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“You shouldn’t start a company just because it’s trendy”
Christian Reiter, alumnus
He has co-​founded several successful start-​ups and does not shy away from new ideas and industries. Christian told us how his studies in computer science at ETH Zurich help him in more ways than one.
Read interview
Upcoming events
All events are online and can be attended virtually.

Distinguished colloquium – Fall semester 2020
Once again this fall semester, renowned international computer scientists take the floor at our distinguished colloquium series, to present topics across all areas of computer science. The series includes inaugural and farewell lectures of the department's professors. All lectures are open to the public, outside attendance is welcome.
IMPORTANT: The decision is pending as to whether the inaugural lectures can take place as planned. Please check the event details for updates.

4 November – Inaugural lecture Professor Valentina Boeva
Prof. Valentina Boeva: Cancer omics data and novel computational analysis approaches

4 November – Inaugural lecture Professor Julia Vogt
Prof. Julia Vogt: Machine learning and medicine: a challenging symbiosis

9 November – Professor Bryan Parno
Prof. Bryan Parno: Developing high-performance mechanically-verified code

16 November – Professor Tom Ristenpart
Prof. Tom Ristenpart: Mitigating technology abuse in intimate partner violence and encrypted messaging

View colloquia calendar (More talks and information will be added shortly.)
18 November – Short talk and AMA with Professor Julia Vogt
CSNOW organises a short talk with Julia Vogt who is the supervising professor of the network. Julia will be talking about her work and answer questions from the audience in an exclusive "ask me anything".
Event details
Past events
VIScon Digital
The first digital edition of the VIScon took place 5 – 10 October. More than 1000 visitors attended the conference with exciting workshops and inspiring keynotes. For those who missed it, the recordings are available on the VIScon website.
Watch videos
ETH AI Center opening
The new ETH AI Center was inaugurated on 20 October with an opening ceremony. An exclusive selection of keynote speakers provided a highly varied insight into their research in the promising AI area.
More information
Website of the AI Center
D-INFK in the news
• Professor Julia Vogt, Dr. Alexander Ilic
SRF Tagesschau: ETH opens competence centre for AI Watch video
• Ivana Klasovita, Bachelor student
Science Olympiad: Logic and passion Read article
• Spin-off Modulos, Professor Ce Zhang
Handelszeitung: Dieser Gründer hilft Firmen, die richtige KI zu finden Watch video
• Spin-off Indoor Astronaut
Heute: "Unrailed!" im Test: Chaotischer Spass auf Schiene Read article
More media coverage
Tip of the month – Telephones are being updated
IT Services have started to replace the existing telephones in the CAB / CNB buildings with new VoIP telephones. Any forwarding and key programming on the current telephone will be deleted and must be reconfigured on the new telephone. To do this you can either set up the call forwarding directly on the new telephone or remotely via (on the ETH network or using a VPN connection). IT Services notifies users by email when their phone has been updated.
More information from ISG | Manuals VoIP phones
Please meet...
Federico Mereu, Manager food&lab (More)

Describe what you do in one sentence.
Through joy, motivation and culinary delights, I try to put a smile on the face of every guest each and every day.

What do you like most about your role?
I appreciate the variety of the front and back areas and the tasks that go along with it. There, I can exemplify the values that are important to me: competence, being proactive and being responsible. A great atmosphere and a good exchange with the guests and my employees are very important to me.

What is the best advice you ever got?
"Open your arms to change, but don't lose sight of your values" (Dalai Lama). This sentence has accompanied me for years, in my job as well as in my private life. I always try to make the changes in life a success.

What is your favourite place at ETH and why?
The Dozentenfoyer with its great view – I started my career there ten years ago. And of course, the trendy restaurant food&lab at CAB, where I now work and spoil my guests with new dishes.

How do you spend your leisure time?
As a counterbalance to my intensive working days, I like to ride my motorcycle and do kickboxing. And of course, my family is very important to me.
Federico Mereu
The coronavirus will continue to affect our lives and our work for some time to come. To keep you informed about news, regulations and projects connected to the pandemic, we will add a short COVID-19 section to the end of every READ.ME until further notice.
Important updates
ETH Zurich to suspend most classroom teaching
The Executive Board of ETH Zurich has decided to extensively restrict classroom teaching starting on 2 November, with all lectures and nearly all exercise groups to be held online. "We see no choice but to take this step," explains Rector Sarah Springman.
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"We need to take action"

Rector Sarah Springman calls on everyone in the university community to do their part in contributing to combating the spread of the virus. She cautions everyone to remain vigilant, as COVID-​19 infections are on the rise.
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ETH Zurich tightens rules

In view of the rapid increase in the rate of COVID-​19 infections, ETH Zurich tightens its measures: Masks are now required in all public indoor spaces, social events are not allowed and working from home is once again the preferred option.
Read new rules
Through the crisis with agility and perseverance
"We are capable of reacting quickly and adapting” blogs ETH President Joël Mesot about what he has learned from looking back on the corona lockdown in spring. He is reflecting on the values this brought to the fore and tells us what impressed him most.
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