News, insights and stories from the Department of Computer Science.
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Strengthening Swiss cyber security
Dear readers,

In a harsher global environment, Switzerland’s security policy must adapt. Therefore, strengthening the defence against cyber risks is crucial, said Defence Minister Viola Amherd in her recent public lecture at ETH Zurich.

As the computer science department of a federal university, it is our duty to support that mission – and we are actively doing so in many ways. We promote cyber security experts through the new Master’s Programme in Cyber Security. At the same time, cryptography researchers from the department have helped uncover and fix vulnerabilities in current technology services such as the messaging platform Telegram and the credit card company MasterCard. And, with the novel SCION internet architecture, our spin-off Anapaya systems strengthens cyber-resilience of our national networks.

With our anniversary year coming to a close, we have one more surprise for you: Our digital D-INFK advent calendar. Behind the 24 doors, you will find a selection of the year’s most compelling stories, videos, and talks. Look out for door number one on our front page.

Enjoy this edition of READ.ME and stay healthy.

Best regards,

Timothy Roscoe
Department Head
• STAFF – Welcomes and farewells
• CONGRATS – Prizes and awards
• HIGHLIGHTS – Stories of the month
• EVENTS – Celebrate and learn
• HOT – D-INFK in the news
• PLEASE MEET – Emir İşman
• GOOD TO KNOW – Tip of the month
• COVID – Space restrictions and vaccination certificates from abroad
Faculty and staff
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all new staff members who have joined our department by the end of last month. We look forward to working with you.
Our new staff

To the staff who are leaving us, we wish you the best of luck in your future careers and hope to work with you again someday.
Zhikuan Zhao promoted to Senior Assistant
Zhikuan has been promoted to Senior Assistant in the DS3Lab, led by Prof. Ce Zhang. He does research in the areas of quantum computing and quantum AI. All the best, Zhikuan!
Astrit Thaqi reinforces Study Administration
Astrit joined the Study Administration team in November. With his colleagues, he supports the admission committee and manages contracts for teaching assistants. Welcome, Astrit!
Prof. Angelika Steger joins Prize Commission
Angelika has been elected as a new member of the ETH Zurich Prize Committee, which advises the Executive Board on science prizes. Thank you for your commitment, Angelika!
Prizes and awards
Congratulations to our faculty, researchers and students who have won prizes, awards and fellowships for their work. We are proud of you and thank you for asserting our reputation.
Browse our award section
Prof. Otmar Hilliges receives two lasting impact awards
For two papers published ten years ago at the conferences ISMAR and UIST, Otmar and his collaborators were given lasting impact honours. Congratulations, Otmar!
Golden Owl for Prof. Olga Sorkine-Hornung
Olga has been awarded the 2021 VSETH Golden Owl for excellent teaching. VSETH gives out one Golden Owl per department per year. Well done, Olga!
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CYD Doctoral Fellowship for Alessandro Stolfo
Alessandro Stolfo, doctoral student with Prof. Mrinmaya Sachan, has been chosen as CYD Doctoral Fellow. Alessandro will continue his research at the intersection of machine learning and cyber security. All the best, Alessandro!
ETH Medals for three doctoral theses

Doctoral students Manuela Fischer (Prof. Mohsen Ghaffari), Maciej Besta (Prof. Torsten Hoefler) and Francesco Locatello (Prof. Gunnar Rätsch) won the ETH Medal for their outstanding doctoral theses. Big congratulations, Manuela, Maciej and Francesco!
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Passed doctoral examinations: November 2021
Leonhard Helminger (Prof. Markus Gross), 4.11.
Gaspard Zoss (Prof. Markus Gross), 8.11.
Arshavir Ter-Gabrielyan (Prof. Peter Müller), 10.11.
Roni Häcki (Prof. Timothy Roscoe), 22.11.

Congratulations to our newly minted Doctors of Sciences ETH Zurich!
Happy 40th anniversary, D-INFK!
Throughout this special year, we'll be presenting you stories and other activities. Stay tuned and visit our anniversary website.
40 years D-INFK
“I wrote my Matura paper on polymorphic computer viruses”
Christian Plattner completed his diploma in computer science at ETH Zurich in 2002. Already a coder while at secondary school, he worked in industry during his studies and founded his own company while still a doctoral student.
How to get a faculty position

How does a young researcher become a professor? Almost 70 students and scientific staff members came together on October 28 to hear postdoc Manuel Rigger, Assistant Professor Shweta Shinde and Professor Emo Welzl shed light on this process.
"We were a mixed bunch"

Cornelia Haldemann was one of the first computer science students at ETH when she began her studies in 1981. Today, she heads the product data management of an internationally active company and, after many years of work, meets change with serenity.
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Stories of the month
Swiss security policy in an unstable world
SCION, Cyber Security Master's programme
During her visit to ETH Zurich, Defence Minister Viola Amherd sketched a picture of an unstable, unpredictable world to which Swiss security policy must adapt. D-INFK contributes to Swiss cyber security through several initiatives.
"There was an unwritten rule: no first-year students allowed on the board"
Association of Computer Science Students (VIS), D-INFK alumnus Alexandre de Spindler
Alexandre de Spindler was an active VIS member from 2001-​2003 and is the founder of the Snowdayz. Visionen editor Ricardo Heinzmann asks him in an interview about his time in VIS 20 years ago.
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Upcoming events
Glühwein Apéro, December 20, 17:00, in front of the CAB building
Barring new restrictions, the Glühwein Apéro will return this year. All D-INFK students, faculty and staff are cordially invited to celebrate the end of the semester and the upcoming Christmas break. The Apéro will take place in any weather. To participate, register below and bring a valid COVID certificate. Register here
Distinguished Colloquium "Photorealistic Telepresence", December 6, 16:15-17:15, online
Telepresence has the potential to bring billions of people into artificial reality (AR/MR/VR). In this talk, Professor Yaser Sheikh from Carnegie Mellon University will describe early steps taken at FRL Pittsburgh towards achieving photorealistic telepresence. More information
Distinguished Colloquium "The Tensor-Relational Algebra, and Other Ideas in Machine Learning System Design", December 13, 16:15-17:15, online
Professor Chris Jermaine from Rice University will talk about the challenges of getting machine learning computations to work in a distributed setting or with large models. More information
SCION Day 2022, January 26, 09:00-18:00, online and in Audi Max
Follow the latest developments of the secure internet architecture SCION in this two-part conference. The morning comprises technical sessions on research and industry deployments, followed by the latest business developments in the afternoon. More information and registration
Past events
ETH Unterwegs: D-INFK on tour
ETH Unterwegs is back: in the past few weeks, D-INFK students presented projects at secondary schools in Seetal Baldegg and Bern-Neufeld. Prof. Juraj Hromkovic and Fabio Zünd gave talks and even retiring Rector Sarah Springman took the time for a personal visit.
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Inaugural Lectures, 11 + 18 November
On November 11 and 18, six of our professors held their inaugural lectures. Many colleagues, students and guests followed the inspiring talks at Audi Max and via the livestream. The recordings are available online:
Siyu Tang | Christian Holz | Valentina Boeva |
Ryan Cotterell | Julia Vogt | Fanny Yang
Global lecture with Prof. Markus Gross
In the global lecture on November 18, 2021, Markus and one of the leading experts in robot ethics, Kate Darling (MIT), talked about how to make robots likeable and how to tell their story. The recording of "When is Real Really Real?" is available for anyone who missed the event.
Watch recording
D-INFK in the news
 Project SCION, Prof. Adrian Perrig
Swisscom: SCION – für ein sicheres Internet der nächsten Generation
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 Bachelor's student Patrick Wüst
Blick: ETH-Student enttarnt Sandwich-Trick
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 D-INFK alumni, start-up Fision
SRF News: Kleider röntgen – damit Zalando und Co. weniger Retouren haben
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 D-INFK spin-off xorlab
Venturelab: Meet xorlab co-founder Antonio Barresi
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More media coverage
Please meet...
Emir İşman, Master's student and the President of the Association of Computer Science Students at ETH Zurich (VIS), pictured with the VIS mascot Björn.

Describe what you do in one sentence.
I lead the VIS, represent D-INFK students at various bodies and make sure that our VIS actives have everything they need – especially lots of motivation – to do great stuff.

What do you like most about your role?
To enable our actives to enrich the lives of their fellow students. Also worth mentioning is the often great cooperation with D-INFK, other student associations and the VSETH.

What are the most important skills for someone in your role?
As with all projects and initiatives, not everything always runs smoothly. When problems and conflicts arise, it is important to be communicative and to keep an eye on what is happening in the association in order to identify problems at an early stage.

What is the best advice you ever got?
Always ask questions, especially ask people who have been where you are right now – there are no dumb questions.

What is your favourite place at and around ETH?
Our beloved CAB, where the VIS is also at home! Clausiusbar also deserves a mention as the best cafeteria at ETH.

How do you spend your leisure time?
During times that are not occupied by the Master's programme or VIS Presidency, I tend to read on issues I don't necessarily need to read about, grab some drinks with friends, brainstorm, visit some new places, and sometimes just daydream.
Emir Isman
Tips of the month – Overtime, finances and bike racks
Reduce overtime and holiday balances
ETH Zurich employees need to reduce their high time balances. Any over hours in excess of 200 hours will be deleted by January 1, 2022. Holidays must be taken in the year they occur. Remember to log all hours and absences for the current year no later than December 24, 2021.
Read detailed instructions
Complete annual financial statements
All accounting documents (ETHIS and paper processes) must be fully approved and completed by December 16, 2021. The full annual statement by the budget officer is due by January 31. You can find detailed instructions from ETH Zurich's Finance and Controlling group in the link below.
Read instructions (German)
Use new bike racks near CAB
The Real Estate Management department reports that as part of the garage conversion project, the number of bicycle parking spaces between the CAB and CHN buildings has been significantly increased. In return, the bicycle rack in the courtyard of CAB was removed in November.
Open positions
ETH Student Summer Research Fellowship: Application closes December 15
The two-month summer programme offers (under)graduate students the opportunity to gain their first research experience in an area of their choice. It’s open to students worldwide and aims to increase diversity in computer science. The application deadline is December 15, 2021, at 12:00 CET.
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ETH AI Center Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022
The ETH AI Center is looking for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows with a keen interest in doing research on interdisciplinary AI topics. Application for doctoral students ends on November 30 and the application deadline for postdocs is December 15.
Learn more
The coronavirus will continue to affect our lives and our work for some time to come. To keep you informed about news, regulations and projects connected to the pandemic, we will add a short COVID-19 section to the end of every READ.ME until further notice.
Space restriction lifted to facilitate return to the office
As of November 15, the requirement for a minimum space of 10m2 for each user of an office or laboratory is abolished. However, occupants must still keep a minimum distance of 1.5 metres from other people. The Executive Board also expects all employees to work on site at least 1-2 days per week.
Recognition of vaccination certificates from abroad
If you live in Switzerland and have been vaccinated with Sinovac, Sinopharm or a vaccine approved by the European Medicines Agency, you can apply to receive a Swiss Covid certificate. An official Swiss certificate is required to attend most Swiss venues, and even events at ETH Zurich other than lectures.
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Department of Computer Science
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