News, insights and stories from the Department of Computer Science.
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Shaping the future
Dear readers,

This month was marked by the promotion of young talents. It is essential to lay the groundwork early for the next generation of computer scientists. Inspiring young women is an important part of that: Last week, the “Schnupperstudium” (trial week) for female high school students took place. Thanks to this event organised by CSNOW, 33 students were able to dive into the world of computer science with programming workshops, interesting talks and much more.

But not just girls get to experience what it is like to study at D-INFK – frequent school visits and participating in public outreach projects like the upcoming “Informatiktage” (Computer Science Days) help to attract new students and shape the future of our society.

A success story of a young talent is that of our alumnus Riccardo Roveri. In an interview published on our website this month, he talks about why he chose computer science, his journey in Zurich as a Ticinese and about co-founding the ETH spin-off Animatico together with Pascal Bérard and Christian Schüller.

Lastly, the winter exam session is over and lectures have started again. I wish you all a good start and a successful spring semester.

Please enjoy this edition of READ.ME.

Best regards,

Kenny Paterson
Department Head

Title image: CSNOW Schnupperstudium, February 2023.
• STAFF – Welcomes and farewells
• HIGHLIGHTS – Stories of the month
• CONGRATS – Prizes and awards
• EVENTS – Connect, interact and learn
• PLEASE MEET – Ben Fiedler
• HOT – D-INFK in the news
• JOBS – Open positions
• GOOD TO KNOW – Tip of the month
Faculty and staff
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all new staff members who have joined our department in the last month. We look forward to working with you.
Our new staff

To the staff who are leaving us, we wish you the best of luck in your future careers and hope to work with you again someday.
Welcome, Onicio Batista Leal
Onicio has joined the group of Professor Srdjan Capkun. He will be working on digital contact tracing technologies, contributing to the next-generation of tools for preventing epidemics and pandemics. Welcome, Onicio!
Farewell, Nezihe Merve Gürel
Merve was a postdoc in the group of Professor Ce Zhang. She is leaving the department at the end of the month to become Assistant Professor at TU Delft. All the best in your new role, Merve!
Congratulations, Saikishore Kalloori
Saikishore, from the Media Technology Center, has been promoted to Established Researcher. His work focuses on machine learning, augmented reality and human computer interactions. Congratulations, Saikishore!
Passed doctoral examinations:
Xun Zou (Prof. Angelika Steger), 20.02.
Ivan Puddu (Prof. Srdjan Capkun), 07.02.
Mihai Dusmanu (Prof. Marc Pollefeys), 06.02.
Prashanth Chandran (Prof. Markus Gross), 31.01.

Congratulations to our newly minted Doctors of Sciences ETH Zurich!
Stories of the month
"I viewed studying in Zurich as a personal challenge"
Riccardo Roveri, D-INFK alumnus
Riccardo, co-founder of Animatico, talks about his love for computer graphics and how he experienced moving from Lugano to Zurich for his studies. This interview is also available in Italian.
Jan Blum
“I keep track of what my lecturers are saying thanks to my tablet.”
Jan Blum, Bachelor's student
Jan talks about his everyday life as a hard-​of-hearing student, the difficulties he faced when he started studying computer science and what helped him combat the feeling of being the odd one out.
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Watch video
The Loop
AI research will support the analysis of large medical dataset
The LOOP Zurich Research Centre created a platform for the exchange of health data between UZH, ETH Zurich and the four university hospitals. This will allow data to be utilised easily to the benefit of patients.
women in science
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
For the "International Day of Women and Girls in Science", ETH published a video to draw attention to the many exceptional female scientists who study, teach and research at our university.
Read article
Watch video
Prizes and awards
Congratulations to our faculty, researchers and students who have won prizes, awards and fellowships for their work. We are proud of you and thank you for asserting our reputation.
Browse our award section
ETH Medals
ETH Medals
Four Master's graduates from our department have been awarded the ETH Medal for their outstanding performance. Congratulations Ugne Klimiene, Matteo Kamm, Xiang Li and Lukas Heimes!
Read article
Upcoming events
Informatiktage 2023, 27 March - 1 April, CAB
As a partner of the Informatiktage, our department and the IT Services offer a week-long programme for school classes, teachers, young people and the general public. On Saturday, 1 April, there will be an Open House Day where everyone is welcome.
Read more
ETH Medals
Distinguished Colloquium, 6 March, 16.15 – 17.15, CAB G 61
Professor Masashi Sugiyama from the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) at the University of Tokyo, will talk about "Robust Machine Learning from Weakly-Supervised, Noisy-Labeled, and Biased Data".
More information here

Inaugural Lectures, 7 March, 17.15 – 18.30, HG F 30
Join the live audience in Audi Max to see the inaugural lectures by our professors Mrinmaya Sachan and Ralf Jung.
Learn more, watch previous recordings

International Women’s Day: Angelika Steger, 8 March, 12.00 – 14.00
CSNOW organises a special event for the International Women's Day: This year, get to know our Professor Angelika Steger better and enjoy an apéro afterwards.

Master's Graduation Ceremony, 24 March, HG F 30
Master's graduates and their loved ones are invited to join the official Master's degree graduation ceremony in Audi Max.
More information here

Kontaktparty 2023, 11 March, 11.00 – 17.00, ETH Zurich
Join the largest academic IT job fair in Switzerland, organised by our students, for our students. The event takes place at the Mensa Polyterrasse and at Einstein & Zweistein.
More information here

IFL (Department of Informatics UZH) Colloquia, 17.15 – 18.30, BIN 2.A.01
Join a series of colloquia, featuring Prof. Dr. Martin Wiener (23 February), Dr. Johanna Schmidt (2 March), Prof. Vincent Hellendoorn (9 March) and Prof. Dan Suciu (16 March) and dive into various computer science topics.
More information here
Past Events
CSNOW Schnupperstudium
From 13 to 17 February, 33 high school girls discovered what studying computer science at ETH Zurich is like and tried out programming in a weeklong workshop organised by CSNOW.
More information here
Please meet...
Ben Fiedler, Doctoral student in the Systems Group.

What are you writing your doctoral thesis about and why?
I am working on describing and proving formal, low-level security guarantees about modern computing platforms. Nowadays, the computer industry devotes a lot of research on building new, faster and more specialised hardware without paying the same attention to the low-level software that manages that hardware. Ultimately, I want to help prevent security vulnerabilities resulting from sloppy software/hardware design.

What have you learned from your role?
I became much better at prioritising my tasks: what has to be done right now, what can wait? During my undergraduate studies, I had a lot of time to spend on things only tangentially related to my studies. Time is now much sparser, and I noticed and appreciate the importance of managing it well.

What is the best advice you ever got?
"Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."

How do you spend your leisure time?
My number one favourite is participating in the ASVZ “Superkondi”. Physical exercise is satisfying (at least afterwards), and a great way to end a day of mostly desk work.
D-INFK in the news
 Andreas Kuster, D-INFK Alumnus
Watson: Schwere Sicherheitslücke beunruhigt ETH-​Absolventen – das steckt dahinter
Read article
 Prof. Adrian Perrig
Inside IT: Scion stellt sich neu auf
Read article
 Prof. Kenny Paterson
Netzwoche: Warum uns eine Kryptographie-Apokalypse droht
Read article
 D-INFK spin-off DeepJudge
Tech EU: 7 legal tech startups transforming the legal system
Read article
 Prof. Torsten Hoefler
Inside HPC: Podcast on Myths and Legends of HPC's
Listen to podcast
More media coverage
Open positions
Doctoral student in digital fabrication and capacitive sensing on curved surfaces
The Sensing, Interaction & Perception Lab (Prof. Christian Holz) is looking for a doctoral candidate interested in conducting a research project on digital fabrication and capacitive sensing on curved surfaces.
Apply here

Lecturer in computer science
Our department is looking for a lecturer in computer science, specifically in the areas of data science and machine learning.
Apply here

Bioinformatics scientist
The Wyss Zurich Translational Center is looking for a bioinformatics scientist to work on the project Recolon, which focuses on the development of a bacteria-based therapy for colorectal cancer.
Apply here

Internships at ETH Studio Davos
There are currently three open positions for internships at the ETH Studio Davos, in the areas of data science and bioinformatics.
More information and application here

VIS job mailing list
Are you a student interested in open positions, full-time or part-time, and internships? Then the job mailing list by the Association of Computer Science Students (VIS) is for you.
Sign up for VIS job mailing list
The rETHink project was initiated in 2020 by ETH President Joël Mesot to be the roadmap for the university’s ongoing institutional and organisational development. In the following events, learn more about the project and the upcoming implementation phase.

rETHinking Universities of the Future, 20 February – 2 March, ETH Zurich Main Building
Explore the drivers of change for higher education in a public exhibition organised by the office of the President.
More information here

rETHink Switch, 22 March, 15.00 – 18.30, ETH Zurich Main Building
This event offers presentations and discussions, covering the solutions for the project's implementation and addressing questions such as what the initiative has achieved and what not, and what will be the next steps. A reception will follow, with the opportunity to ask further questions.
Register here
More about the rETHink project
Tip of the month – BrainFair 2023, 13 March to 18 March, USZ
Discover how the brain learns and how a greater knowledge of biological learning processes can help to further improve machine learning tools based on biological models. No registration is required and participation is free of charge.
More information
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ETH Zurich
Department of Computer Science
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CH-8092 Zurich
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