News, insights and stories from the Department of Computer Science.
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Striving for academic success
Dear readers,

It appears that next month more students than ever before will start their study programme in computer science. In a few years from now, those students will hold a degree allowing them to choose from a wide variety of career paths – working in academia is one of them.

In a video series initiated and produced by postdoc Manuel Rigger, young professors from around the globe talk about how they came to settle down in academia and share helpful insights. Their tips for the application process might also be useful for our postdoc Anwar Hithnawi, who just received the Facebook Research Award and is set for academic success.

Further, we portray computer science alumni with inspiring careers in various fields in our anniversary series. Our alumnus Urs Hölzle, who joined Google as employee number eight, is one of them.

Enjoy this edition of READ.ME and find out how Indiana Jones made it into our header picture.

I wish you a smooth semester start.

Best regards,

Timothy Roscoe
Department Head
• STAFF – Welcomes and farewells
• CONGRATS – Prizes and awards
• HIGHLIGHTS – Story of the month
• EVENTS – Connect, interact and learn
• HOT – D-INFK in the news
• PLEASE MEET – Barbara Pfändner
• GOOD TO KNOW – Tip of the month
• CORONA UPDATE – Current master plan and vaccination bus
Faculty and staff
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all new staff members who have joined our department by the end of last month. We look forward to working with you.
Our new staff

To the staff who are leaving us, we wish you the best of luck in your future careers and hope to work with you again someday.
Welcome, Gene Tsudik
Gene Tsudik, Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine (UCI), joins the Institute of Information Security at ETH Zurich as a visiting professor from August 1 until January 1, 2022. His research interests include security, privacy and applied cryptography. Welcome aboard, Gene!
Farewell, Martin Oswald
Martin Oswald, a senior researcher in the Computer Vision and Geometry Group, starts his new position as Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam in September 2021. He will be focusing on building technology for large-scale digital representations of the real world. Good luck, Martin!
More about Gene
More about Martin
Prizes and awards
Congratulations to our faculty, researchers and students who have won prizes, awards and fellowships for their work. We are proud of you and thank you for asserting our reputation.
Browse our award section
Prof. Torsten Hoefler elected member of the Academia Europaea
Torsten Hoefler is now a member of the Academia Europaea, a pan-​European Academy of Humanities, Letters, Law, and Sciences. Congratulations, Torsten!
ARD/ZDF Award for Pelin Dogan Schönberger
Pelin Schönberger, postdoc with the Media Technology Center, has received the ARD/ZDF Award "Women + Media Technology" for her doctoral thesis. Well done, Pelin!
Facebook Research Award for Anwar Hithnawi
Ambizione research fellow Anwar Hithnawi from the Privacy Preserving Systems Lab was granted the prestigious Facebook Research Award. Big congrats, Anwar!
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Forbes 30 Under 30
Call to action: The Forbes magazine is looking for nominations for its annual Forbes 30 Under 30 list. We invite D-INFK faculty members to nominate an innovative person from their team who is making an impact in their field and society. Submit your nomination here. You can also find an outline of the nomination and selection here.Marianne Lucien from Corporate Communications is available to provide editing support and/or advice for the 500-word nomination text. Send your draft nomination form and texts (without worrying about limits) to
Passed doctoral examinations: August 2021
Alexis Block (Prof. Otmar Hilliges), 12.8.

Rafael Wampfler (Prof. Markus Gross), 17.8.

Karl Wüst (Prof. Srdjan Capkun), 26.8.

Congratulations to our newly minted Doctors of Sciences ETH Zurich!
Story of the month
New, high-resolution models merge weather and climate

Our professors Andreas Krause and Torsten Hoefler, as well as the Swiss Data Science Center, are part of the EXCLAIM research initiative, an interdisciplinary project to forecast weather events with greater accuracy and gain a better understanding of them against the backdrop of global climate change.
Read article
40 years D-INFK
Happy 40th anniversary, D-INFK!
Throughout this special year, we'll be presenting you stories and other activities. Stay tuned and visit our anniversary website.
"Managers who know how to program are better managers"
Prof. em. Walter Gander was an advocate for independent computer science teaching in Swiss schools, supported women in CS and participated in development projects abroad. Hear more about Walter's activities in the second part of this interview.
Watch video (Part 2/2)
40 years D-INFK
Urs Hölzle
"Computer science is not a narrow career choice"
Alumnus Urs Hölzle studied computer science at ETH Zurich from 1983 to 1988 and gained his doctorate at Stanford University, before joining Google in 1999 as employee number eight.
Harrison Ford
Back to 1981

On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the computer science programme at ETH Zurich, we look back to 1981 and explore what made the world go round back then. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Sarah Hauser
"I programmed a good solution in a dream once"
Sarah Hauser completed her Master's degree in computer science at ETH Zurich in 2008. As a professor and Vice Dean at the computer science department at the HSLU, she now shapes the next generation of students.
Read interview
Browse across 1981
Read interview
Upcoming events
Online World Math Contest, August 28
This Saturday, an online mathematics competition, run by the Fédération Suisse des Jeux Mathématiques with support from D-INFK, is taking place in which anyone aged 9 and over can take part worldwide. Participate in math puzzles and compete with the rest of the world.
More information and registration
Paul Bernays Lectures, August 30-31 (Audimax, ETH Main Building)
This year’s Bernays Lectures on the theme of “A unique physical lab at our galactic center” will be held by Nobel Prize winner Andrea Ghez. Established as an annual and three-part honorary lecture about the philosophy of the exact sciences, the series is definitely worth attending.
More information
Scientifica, September 4-5 (Campus Center, Irchel and Hönggerberg)
Experience at Scientifica how nature inspires research and how we humans perceive and shape nature and culture. When you’re in the Main Hall, come say hello to the virtual Albert Einstein developed by the Computer Graphics Laboratory, our spin-off Animatico and the Game Technology Center.
More information
ETH Industry Day, September 8 (Campus Hönggerberg)
Gain insight into ETH Zurich research and how it is applied in the industry at the upcoming Industry Day. The event is packed with various research presentations in the fields of robotics, AI, and digitalisation, amongst others. There’s no admission fee, but you need to register in advance.
More information and registration
Funding for Innovation, September 8 (Campus Hönggerberg HPV G4)
Are you a Swiss enterprise looking to collaborate with ETH Zurich or an ETH researcher looking to develop and commercialise a research-driven innovation project? This event will provide insights into the national and European funding landscape for innovation projects.
More information and registration
Distinguished Colloquium, Autumn Semester 2021
With the new semester, another colloquium series starts, giving insights into current computer science research from around the world. The sessions will take place via Zoom.
Upcoming colloquia will be published here shortly
AI+X Summit, October 15 (StageOne Event & Convention Hall Zurich)
The vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem of ETH Zurich and beyond will be made tangible and reachable at the upcoming conference. Get a chance to exchange ideas, discuss and connect with the AI Center faculty and community at this year’s AI+X Summit.
More information and registration
VIScon, October 15-17 (ETH Main Building)
Join the largest student-organised hackathon and a symposium at ETH Zurich for a programme full of interesting talks and workshops. Get inspired and build valuable relationships in the fields of computer science, engineering and entrepreneurship at the upcoming VIScon.
More information
See all events
Past events
Pro Juventute summer course, August 3-6
At the beginning of August, the department offered a Scratch course exclusively for girls in cooperation with Kinderlabor as part of the Pro Juventute holiday programme. Under the guidance of doctoral student Sabine Jacob (D-GESS/D-INFK), the girls created their own games with great enthusiasm.
D-INFK in the news
 Severin Hacker, D-INFK Alumnus
Tagesanzeiger: Ein «Hacker», der die Welt verbessern will
Read article
 Myke Näf, Alumnus World shaper of tomorrow: Doodle simplifies how we schedule meetings
Read article
 ABZ, Prof. Juraj Hromkovic
Südostschweiz: Technologie-Camp "Krypto-Day" in Flims
Watch video (starting at 2:50)
 Dr. Igors Stepanovs
Higgs: Wie sicher ist der Messenger Telegram?
Read article
 GetYourGuide, D-​INFK Spin-​off «Wir bemühen uns, fair zu bleiben»
Read article
 Beekeeper, D-​INFK Spin-​off
AGEFI: Beekeeper se prépare à entrer en Bourse dans deux à trois ans
Read article
 LatticeFlow, D-INFK Spin-off
EU-Startups: 10 promising startups emerging from universities right now
Read article
More media coverage
Please meet...
Barbara Pfändner, D-INFK department coordinator

Describe what you do in one sentence.
I assist the Head of Department in all matters of departmental planning and undertake tasks related to the management of the department, such as the Professors' Conference and the Departmental Conference.

What do you like most about what you do?
On the one hand, interacting with people and on the other hand, coordinating multiple tasks with initiative and responsibility. I want to contribute to the success of D-INFK.

What are the most important skills someone in your role must have?
Organisational skills, planning skills, prioritisation and collaboration with a wide variety of people.

What do you do if you have a few minutes to spare?
I love to cook or do sports. When I have a little more time, I like to be creative with fabric and thread. And last but not least, I enjoy spending time with my family.
Barbara Pfändner
Tip of the month – Getting academic positions (GAP)
Our postdoc Manuel Rigger has created a series of interviews with recently appointed professors, in which they share their insights and experiences about getting a faculty position. The GAP series includes interviews with our professors Shweta Shinde and Ana Klimovic, amongst others, and is a must-watch for anyone considering an academic career.
Watch series
The coronavirus will continue to affect our lives and our work for some time to come. To keep you informed about news, regulations and projects connected to the pandemic, we will add a short COVID-19 section to the end of every READ.ME until further notice.
Current coronavirus master plan only valid up to 5 September
Ulrich Weidmann, Head of the ETH Crisis Staff, explains that the current master plan will remain in force until the exam session ends. The revised master plan is expected to be published at the beginning of the Autumn Semester, to coincide with any new measures announced by the Federal Council.
The vaccination bus is coming to ETH

ETH members have the opportunity to receive the first vaccination dose between 11:00 and 18:00 each day on September 22 and 29 (Center) and 23 and 30 (Campus Hönggerberg). The second vaccination will take place at the Hirschengraben vaccination center (either by appointment on-site or as walk-in). The offer is initiated by SGU and more info will follow shortly.
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ETH Zurich
Department of Computer Science
Communication & Marketing Group
Universitätstrasse 6
CH-8092 Zurich
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