News, insights and stories of the Department of Computer Science.
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Role models for the next generation
Dear readers,

All of us are constantly striving to contribute to the body of scientific findings and thus facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology in ways that benefit society. This also includes ensuring the next generation and educating and promoting young IT talents. People like Barbara Solenthaler and David Yenicelik serve as important role models in this regard.

Barbara is a senior scientist at the Computer Graphics Laboratory. Whenever time allows, she assists with events and projects, passing on her enthusiasm to those who may one day work in the field as well. In autumn this year, she was the star guest at the Pestalozzi school camp, where she gave expert presentations and hosted hands-on workshops for around 90 primary school students.

David recently completed his Master’s thesis and is still at the beginning of his career. Nevertheless, he is already a role model for many and is setting an example of how technology can be used to help solve the biggest problems facing society. We are delighted that he has received the Digital Economy NextGen Hero Award for his achievements to date.

This month, my colleagues Timothy Roscoe, Juraj Hromkovic and Torsten Hoefler also demonstrated how passionate they are about their work: all three received distinctions for their outstanding research achievements and projects.

Today’s edition of READ.ME reports on these stories and other news. Enjoy reading and stay healthy!

Best regards,

David Basin
Department Head
• STAFF – Welcomes, farewells and updates
• CONGRATS – Prizes and awards
• WANTED – Open positions
• HIGHLIGHTS – Stories of the month
• EVENTS – Virtual happenings
• HOT – D-INFK in the news
• GOOD TO KNOW – Tip of the month
• PLEASE MEET – Peter Koschitz
• UPDATES – New master plan, ISG remote support and working from abroad
Faculty and staff
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all new staff members who have joined our department by the end of last month. We look forward to working with you.
Our new staff

To the staff who are leaving us, we wish you the best of luck in your future careers and hope to work with you again someday.
Patricia Kilchhofer new administrative assistant to Prof. Gunnar Rätsch
Patricia Kilchhofer, who started mid-November, will replace Natalia Marciniak as administrative assistant to Professor Gunnar Rätsch. Natalia will take on the administrative support of the newly founded AI Center as of January 2021. Welcome to the department, Patricia!
Zuowen Wang elected for Cyber-Defence Master Thesis fellowship
Master student Zuowen Wang is the recipient of the Cyber-Defence Fellowship. The talent program is a joint project between EPF Lausanne and the Cyber-Defence Campus. It was brought to life to promote research in the area of cyber defence.
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Prizes and awards
Congratulations to our faculty, researchers and students who have won prizes, awards and fellowships for their work. We are proud of you and thank you for asserting our reputation.
Browse our award section
Timothy Roscoe admitted to SIGOPS Hall of Fame
For the paper “The Multikernel: A New OS Architecture for Scalable Multicore Systems”, Professor Roscoe was awarded the SIGOPS Hall of Fame Award. Congratulations, Mothy!
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BenchCouncil Rising Star Award for Torsten Hoefler
Professor Hoefler has been awarded the BenchCouncil Rising Star Award for his work in the field of benchmark testing, metrics and optimization. Congrats, Torsten!
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Worlddidac Award for ABZ team
A team from the Centre for Computer Science Education (ABZ) under Prof. Hromkovic has received the Worddidac Award for the teaching material "Einfach Informatik 5/6". Congrats to the ABZ team!
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Ghislain Fourny receives Golden Owl
Dr. Ghislain Fourny was honoured with the Golden Owl at this years' ETH Day. The Golden Owl is awarded by the student association VSETH to professors and lecturers who have offered their students excellent teaching. Big congratulations, Ghislain!
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NextGen Hero Award for David Yenicelik
Master's student David Yenicelik received the Digital Economy Award as a NextGen Hero. The prize is awarded to digital talents under 25 who have already made outstanding achievements in the development of a digital product. Well done, David!
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ETH Medal for doctoral theses
Doctoral students Michael Rabinovich (Prof. Sorkine-​Hornung) and Dimitar K. Dimitrov (Prof. Vechev) have won the ETH Medal for their outstanding doctoral theses. Congratulations, Michael and Dimitar!
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Open positions
Assistant Professor Quantum Computing
ETH Zurich is hiring a Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Computer Science with a focus on quantum computing in order to strengthen D-INFK in this area. Applicants should be strongly rooted in computer science, have internationally recognised expertise in their field and pursue research at the forefront of computer science.
Application deadline: January 10, 2021.
See details
More open positions
Stories of the month
450 logic errors found in popular databases
Prof. Zhendong Su
Dr. Manuel Rigger
Zhendong and his postdoc Manuel from the AST Lab have developed a SQLancer, a tool to automatically detect logic errors in database systems using three different methods.
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Cyber networks – from students for students
Cyber Group ETH Student Initiative
Cyber Group ETH, an organisation founded by students, works to educate and inspire students about cybersecurity, for example by hosting networking events where students meet experts from the field.
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Upcoming events
3 December 2020 – CSNOW Samichlaus Game Night
CSNOW invites all female students from D-INFK to a virtual get-together and to play some games at Samichlaus Game Night. Places are limited, sign-up is still possible.
26–30 July 2021 – DeepLearn 2021 Summer
The 4th International School on Deep Learning will take place in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) with outstanding keynotes and speakers. Early registration ends December 26.
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Past events
Senior research scientist Barbara Solenthaler gave pupils an insight into her research as part of the “Pestalozzi Schulcamp” education programme. Her commitment is an important contribution to early education for STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics).
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D-INFK in the news
• Max-Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems, ELLIS, Prof. Bernhard Schölkopf
Baden-Württemberg: Schweizer Grenzkantone auf virtuellem Besuch in Baden-Württemberg
Read article
• Dr. Alexander Ilic Artificial intelligence won't replace humans Read article
• Prof. Markus Gross
Handelszeitung: Mr. Disney im Interview Watch video
• Prof. Christian Holz
Upload VR: Microsoft’s ‘PIVOT’ Haptics Research Could Make Throwing A Ball In VR More Believable Watch video
• Master's student Jennifer Schürch
Migros-Magazin: Eine Klasse für sich Read article
More media coverage
Tip of the month – cultural inspiration at home
With colder temperatures, shorter days and many cancelled or restricted cultural events, we are often back home again. For your inspiration and enjoyment, we have put together some offers that can be streamed from your cosy living room.
Live music, concerts and opera
- ARTE has its own concert channel that broadcasts all kinds of music genres.
- The concert hall Moods provides live streaming of jazz concerts.
- Opernhaus Zurich offers regular live streams of major opera or operetta productions. They are free of charge on weekends in November.
- Twelve famous museums worldwide such as the Guggenheim in New York and the Musée d'Orsay in Paris offer virtual tours.
- If you’d rather discover hidden gems, a number of small and lesser-known Swiss museums also offer virtual exhibits.
Please meet...
Peter Koschitz, Department Delegate and Administration Coordinator

Describe what you do in one sentence.
My job is to help the department head in (nearly) all matters.

What do you like most about your role?
Bridging the gap between the faculty and ETH administration.

What is the best advice you ever got?
"Stick to the middle management" (by a former ETH Vice President).

What is your favourite place at and around ETH and why?
HG E 30.7, a semi-public retreat with a view on half of ETH passing the three graces.

How do you spend your leisure time?
With my family, singing in a chorus, and working out at ASVZ.
Peter Koschitz
The coronavirus will continue to affect our lives and our work for some time to come. To keep you informed about news, regulations and projects connected to the pandemic, we will add a short COVID-19 section to the end of every READ.ME until further notice.
Important updates
New master plan for ETH
Since November 2nd, new measures designed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus are in place. Most teaching is conducted online, except for courses that require the use of infrastructure on site. Face masks are now compulsory across the entire campus.
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ISG remote support
The IT Service Group (ISG) has limited its presence at ETH Zurich and provides remote support. The service desk in CAB remains closed. In cases where an important technical problem cannot be solved remotely, ISG takes appointments for on-site visits.
See contact details
Working from abroad
Working remotely from abroad is legally restricted and only possible short-time, under certain conditions and upon agreement with the supervisor. In view of the end of the year, a combination of holiday time and remote work is possible for employees with family abroad.
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