News, insights and stories of the Department of Computer Science.
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A glimpse into the future
Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear colleagues,

The start of the spring semester always brings plenty of changes: as the days become longer and warmer, new energy and motivation spreads through the campus.
New experiences are also in store for our nearly 150 students who completed their Master’s studies within the last ten months. We will honour their success and bid them goodbye at the Master’s degree celebration on 28 February. Whereas some graduates decided to do a doctorate and consider an academic path, others chose to pursue a career in industry and perhaps even found their own business. For those who haven’t made up their minds yet, the annual Kontaktparty, organised by VIS (Association of Computer Science Students at ETH Zurich), provides valuable guidance for the search of the suitable employer, an interesting internship, or an inspiring topic for a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis. The event takes place on 29 February.
Keep up to date on what else is going on at our department in the current edition of READ.ME.

Happy reading and best regards,

David Basin
Department Head
• WELCOME – meet your new colleagues
• CONGRATS - prizes and awards
• HIGHLIGHTS – stories of the month
• EVENTS – Informatiktage and many more
• HOT – D-INFK in the news
• PLEASE MEET – Franz Knobel
New faculty and staff
Two new faculty members and many doctoral students, senior researchers, academic guests and admin staff have recently joined our department. Welcome on board! We wish you a smooth settling in and look forward to working with you. Our new staff
Prof. Ryan Cotterell
Prof. Ryan Cotterell
Ryan Cotterell joined us on 1 February 2020 from the University of Cambridge. He specialises in the automated processing of human language, machine learning and AI. Have a great start!
Read interview
Prof. Julia Vogt
Prof. Dennis Hofheinz
Dennis Hofheinz has come from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology to join us on 1 February. He will lead the Foundations of Cryptography group within the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science. Welcome! Read interview
Pauline Lüthi
Pauline Lüthi joined the Communication & Marketing Group in February to replace Katharina Emry who will soon be on maternity leave. Pauline is responsible for digital signage, multimedia/online content and events. Welcome! Communication Group details
Prizes and awards
Congratulations to our faculty, researchers and students who have won prizes, awards and fellowships for their work. We are proud of you and thank you for asserting our reputation.
Browse our award section
Prof. Mutlu: IEEE Edward J. McCluskey Technical Achievement Award
Congratulations to Prof. Onur Mutlu for receiving the prestigious award given for innovative and impactful contributions to computer memory systems. Prof. Mutlu will receive the award at the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computers, Software and Applications (COMPSAC) to be held 13-17 July 2020 in Madrid, Spain.
Read more
International Collegiate Programming Contest:Team mETH off to world finals
Congratulations to the teams mETH and ETHanol for achieving an amazing third and seventh place at the Southwestern Europe Regional Contest, SWERC 2019-2020. As finalists, Marcel Bezdrighin, Yuhao Yao and Nikola Jovanovic from team mETH will compete in the 2020 ICPC World Finals in Moscow from 21-26 June 2020. Best of luck!
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Stories of the month
A more accurate map of cancer genomes
Prof. Gunnar Rätsch
More than 1'300 researchers around the world have joined forces to explore cancer genomes. As part of an international collaboration coined the "Pan-Cancer Project", Prof. Gunnar Rätsch and researchers from ETH Zurich and the University Hospital Zurich conclude that cancer's genetic causes are more diverse than assumed.
Read more
STIU: The creative sides of computer science
Prof. Juraj Hromkovic
For the tenth time, the Training and Advisory Centre for Computer Science Teaching (ABZ), run by Prof. Juraj Hromkovic, invited teachers from all school levels for a conference at ETH Zurich. A record-breaking number of 130 participants sought inspiration in talks and workshops to integrate new approaches on how to teach computer science.
Read more
Upcoming events
23-28 March – Informatiktage 2020
The Informatiktage are a Zurich-wide event and for the fifth time we will open our doors and offer insights into the exciting world of computer science. From guided tours and lectures to coding workshops for young and old, demos and a kids corner, - there is something for everyone. The first ETH programme items are already online, with more to come! Save the date and please share the information with your family and friends. We hope to see you soon! Check out our programme
Spring Semester 2020 – Distinguished colloquium and inaugural lectures
This colloquium series puts the spotlight on topics such as computer science education, security and privacy, as well as computer graphics and virtual environments.
View the colloquia (more following shortly)
Inaugural lectures will be held by Prof. Valentina Boeva (23 March), Prof. Bernhard Schölkopf (affilliated professor, 3 April) and Prof. Julia Vogt (18 May). Let's support our faculty by hearing their research, welcoming them and celebrating this important milestone in their career.

28 February, 12.15-16.00, NO building – Master your Master
The departments D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MAVT, D-MTEC and D-ARCH have joined forces to support Bachelor’s students in order to make a well-informed choice. Programme coordinators and professors are on site to answer questions.
More information

28 February, 17.30-20.00, Audimax HG F 30 – Master's Degree Celebration
Soon we will congratulate our Master's graduates on their successful studies. We wish them all the best for their future endeavours! A link to photos will be posted after the event.

29 February, 11.00-17.00, Mensa Polyterrasse, Einstein and Zweistein – VIS Kontaktparty
The VIS Kontaktparty is the largest academic IT job fair in Switzerland with more than 100 companies represented. The event is primarily geared towards students and graduates from the department.
Kontaktparty details

5 March, 15.00-20.00, CAB F floor – ETH Wikipedia-Edit-a-Thon
For the first time, ETH Zurich is organising an edit-a-thon and on the occasion of International Women's Day, this writing marathon is specifically dedicated to women of importance in science. Would you like to contribute to the visibility of women in tech and love to write? Join us and register here!

25 March, 17.15-18.30, Audimax HG F 30 – Global Lectures Series: The Digital Ape
Sir Nigel Shadbolt, professor of computing science at Oxford University, will take us on a journey showing how the human race's relationship to AI technology is evolving in the first decades of the 21st century.
Event details and registration
More upcoming events
Past events
10-14 February – Schnupperstudium by CSNOW
A group of 37 female high school students took part in the "Schnupperstudium" taster week. They gained valuable insights into computer science in general, the study programme at ETH and the diverse career opportunities which await our graduates. This special week is organised by CSNOW, the women's network in computer science at the department, and is highly appreciated by high school graduates who are deciding on their future path.
View impressions | More about CSNOW
D-INFK in the news
• Prof. Ueli Maurer
SRF Club: Was lernen wir aus Cryptoleaks? Watch video
• Senior research associate Dr. Vlad Coroama
SRF Virus: Klickscham - Surfen wir die Welt kaputt? Read article
• Prof. Hao Li (Alumnus)
BBC News: Deepfakes - A threat to democracy or just a bit of fun? Read article
• Prof. Marc Pollefeys
MENAFN: Zurich mixed reality researchers designing post-smartphone future Read article
• Prof. Markus Gross
VentureLab: “I’m a Kind of Business Angel” Read article
• Dr. Severin Hacker (Alumnus and Co-Founder Duolingo)
BBC News: The man teaching 300 million people a new language Read article
More media coverage
Please meet...
Franz Knobel, head of the organisation committee of the VIS Kontaktparty.

Describe what you do in one sentence.
As president of the Kontaktparty committee, ideally, my job is to do nothing.

What is your favourite part about what you do?
Everything! I bear the responsibility of the event and have to make sure everything goes smoothly (outside and inside). Should this not be the case, I have to be able to assist everyone in the team with their respective tasks. Thus, I am confronted with a broad variety of tasks. Apart from that, I can invest some of my time in optimising and automating processes. Doing this, for more free time in the end, is a passion of mine, as I am a very lazy person deep inside.

What drives you crazy?
When someone is not working goal-oriented and is stalling time.

What is your favourite place at and around ETH?
Every quiet place with a table, a comfortable chair on wheels (and a power outlet) or a couch.

How do you spend your leisure time?
Apart from my daily exercise on my mountain bike and the ASVZ rowing machine, I like having deep conversations with my friends in twos and enjoying the sauna at ASVZ Hönggerberg.