News, insights and stories from the Department of Computer Science.
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Thank you for celebrating with us
Dear readers,

As the semester comes to a close, so does our anniversary year. We took the opportunity to shine a spotlight on the history and diversity – human as well as scientific – at our department by writing stories, producing videos and even holding a couple of in-person events. Thank you for celebrating with us, and we hope you enjoyed our anniversary specials.

Looking forward, we see another challenging year ahead of us. In 2022, we will strive to show the top quality and high standards of our department in the context of the D-INFK evaluation.

But first, let us have a relaxing holiday – well-deserved after another difficult year. I wish you a great holiday season, a Happy New Year, and most importantly: good health.

Warm regards,

Timothy Roscoe
Department Head
• STAFF – Welcomes and farewells
• CONGRATS – Prizes and awards
• HIGHLIGHTS – Stories of the month
• EVENTS – Show off your math skills
• HOT – D-INFK in the news
• PLEASE MEET – Sergey Prokudin
• GOOD TO KNOW – Tip of the month
• HAPPY HOLIDAYS – Revisit the advent calendar
• COVID – Work from home and further restrictions
Faculty and staff
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all new staff members who have joined our department by the end of last month. We look forward to working with you.
Our new staff

To the staff who are leaving us, we wish you the best of luck in your future careers and hope to work with you again someday.
Stelian Coros promoted to Associate Professor
The ETH Board has promoted Stelian from Tenure Track Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Computational Robotics. Congratulations, Stelian!
Welcome, Javier Moya

Javier joined the Systems Group in November as a Senior Assistant with Prof. Gustavo Alonso. He has a wealth of experience in research and industry working with artificial intelligence, signal processing and FPGAs. Welcome, Javier!
Congratulations, Jacqueline Staub
Jacqueline, currently a postdoc with Prof. Juraj Hromkovic, will join the University of Trier in January 2022 as a new professor for computer science didactics, sponsored by the Carl Zeiss Foundation. All the best, Jacqueline!
Prizes and awards
Congratulations to our faculty, researchers and students who have won prizes, awards and fellowships for their work. We are proud of you and thank you for asserting our reputation.
Browse our award section
Prof. Markus Gross appointed member of acatech
Markus has been appointed a member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech), which advises politics and society on issues of technological science and policy for the future. Congratulations, Markus!
CYD Master Thesis Fellowship for Adalsteinn Jonsson
Adalsteinn Jonsson, Cyber Security Master's student at D-INFK, has been chosen as CYD Master Thesis Fellow with his project "PE malware detection with deep neural model". Well done, Adalsteinn!
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See all fellows
Passed doctoral examinations: December 2021
Vincent Fortuin (Prof. Gunnar Rätsch), 30.11.
Salvatore di Girolamo (Prof. Torsten Hoefler), 14.12.
Grzegorz Kwasniewski (Prof. Torsten Hoefler), 14.12.
Marta Mularczyk (Prof. Ueli Maurer), 14.12.
Timon Gehr (Prof. Martin Vechev), 16.12.
Gregor Seiler (Prof. Ueli Maurer), 16.12.
Konstantin Taranov (Prof. Torsten Hoefler), 21.12.
Ivana Unkovic (Prof. Markus Püschel), 22.12.
Eliza Wszola (Prof. Markus Püschel), 22.12.

Congratulations to our newly minted Doctors of Sciences ETH Zurich!
Happy 40th anniversary, D-INFK!
We close off this special year with the final interviews with our most famous founder and two alumni. Take a look back at all the anniversary stories on our anniversary website.
40 years D-INFK
Niklaus Wirth: "I always saw myself as an engineer"
We finish our series of interviews with the department's key figures with the most famous face of D-INFK: Professor emeritus Niklaus Wirth, Turing Award recipient and the originator of several programming languages. In this extensive interview with Professor emeritus Friedemann Mattern, Wirth recalls the early days of computer science and the difficulties of founding the department.
Part 1: "I always saw myself as an engineer"
Part 2: "Switzerland had slept through it"
Part 3: "You can't invent everything perfectly from the start"
"Paragliding is very algorithmic"

After his studies at D-IFNK, Remo Gisi co-founded the food and event spin-off Tastelab and took up paragliding. His knowledge of computer science helps him with both.
"It was the perfect moment to take a leap"
Alumnus Flavio Pfaffhauser, co-founder of the ETH spin-off Beekeeper, always takes on the tasks where he can contribute the most to his company's success.
Read interview
Read interview
Stories of the month
The world is watching
David Dao
David Dao, a doctoral student in the DS3Lab, attended the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference and explains what computer science can do to help.
A critical view of the engine room
Afra Amini
When algorithms reinforce biases: doctoral student Afra Amini, a fellow at the ETH AI Center, is studying automated human language processing and its pitfalls.
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Read interview
Upcoming events
36th Championship of Mathematical and Logical Games, online
Up for a math challenge over the holidays? The Swiss Federation for Mathematical Games (FSJM) invites smart brains to solve tricky online puzzles. There are categories for everyone, from kids starting at 9 years old up to students and adults. The championship is supported by D-INFK and D-MATH as well as EPFL. You can send your answers until January 15, 2022. Participate here
Past events
Distinguished Colloquium
Once again, our faculty invited colleagues from around the globe to talk about their current research. Thank you to all the speakers as well as to the hosts Dennis Hofheinz, Adrian Perrig, Siyu Tang and Ce Zhang.
Treffpunkt Science City
Barbara Solenthaler, Senior Scientist at the Computer Graphics Laboratory, and her team presented their research on how visual computing can help cleft lip and palate surgery to visitors at Treffpunkt Science City.
Watch recordings
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D-INFK in the news
 D-INFK Alumnus Prof. Kaveh Razavi
D-ITET News: "I am a bit jealous of my students"
Read article
 Prof. Robert Sumner
TEDx SHORTS: How technology connects us to fine art
Listen to podcast
 D-INFK spin-off DeepJudge
Venture Kick: DeepJudge wins CHF 150,000 to advance its AI-powered legal document processing platform
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 D-INFK alumni Cléa Benz, Mathias Wellig
Netzwoche: Ubique über den Master-Titel mit Swisstopo - und das Geheimnis einer guten Map-App
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 D-INFK spin-off Scandit, D-INFK alumnus Christian Floerkemeier
Funkschau: "Den physischen Handel digitaler machen"
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More media coverage
Please meet...
Sergey Prokudin, postdoc in the Computer Vision and Learning Group.

Describe what you do in one sentence.
I work on creating photorealistic digital human avatars that could be used for next-generation telepresence, computer graphics and art.

What do you like most about your role?
The postdoc role still allows for a significant amount of hands-on research. At the same time, it opens possibilities for collaborations in the broadest sense: from working on projects with Bachelor's and Master's students to interdisciplinary research.

What are the most important skills someone in your role must have?
First, one needs to have solid fundamental knowledge in computer vision and machine learning, and be able to formulate the problems rigorously. At the same time, our field is very dynamic, and it is equally important to stay flexible and perceptive to new methods and ideas. Finally, communication and presentation skills play a great role: the research nowadays is mostly done in groups, often in collaboration with several institutions.

What is the best advice you ever got?
If I integrate over many great pieces of advice I've heard from my family, friends and academic peers over years, I probably would end up with something as unbearably simple as "know thyself". But I think that's a crucial one. Research-wise, it means solving and approaching only the problems I care about.

What is your favourite place at and around ETH?
The main ETH building is great, I love the Graphische Sammlung there. Being able to visit something like that during a coffee break is a true delight and unique for the ETH campus. And Kunsthalle is just down the street.

How do you spend your leisure time?
I love reading, taking long walks, visiting museums and contemporary dance performances.
Emir Isman
Tip of the month – doctorate, food&lab and the future
No PhDs at ETH!
Although the term is widely used, ETH Zurich does not award PhDs. The Anglo-Saxon PhD ("Philosophiae Doctor") has little in common with the "Doctor scientiae" at ETH. Make sure to always use the correct terms: doctoral students and doctorate.
New regulations for the doctorate
As of January, all doctoral students at ETH Zurich will have at least two supervisors. In addition, they must now defend their research proposal at a colloquium in order to be definitively admitted to the doctorate. New employment regulations also apply.
See style guide
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food&lab closed in January
Due to mandatory kitchen renovations, the restaurant food&lab in CAB will remain closed to all visitors throughout January. This includes the study workplaces.
"Where the future begins" the title of the new image film that showcases six inspiring projects from ETH Zurich. Take a look at the fun video and make sure to share it with friends and family.
Visit website
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Open positions
Two CERN Computing Fellowships
CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is looking for two Bachelor's or Master's graduates to work on the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). One fellowship is for a Distributed Computing Infrastructure Engineer, the other for a Full-Stack Software Engineer.
Learn more: Full-Stack Software Engineer
Learn more: Distributed Computing Infrastructure Engineer
Cyber-Defence (CYD) Fellowships: Apply before February 14, 2022
The EPFL and the Cyber-Defence (CYD) Campus are looking for fellows, with a rolling call for Master Thesis Fellowship applications, and with a deadline of 14 February for Doctoral and Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship applications. The related applicant workshop will be held online on 25 January 2022 from 10:00 to 10:45 (CEST).
Learn more
Happy holidays!
We’ve lived through 12 eventful months, with many exciting encounters both virtual and real. We would like to thank everyone who has supported, accompanied and inspired us throughout the year. If you feel nostalgic for D-INFK over the winter break, browse our advent calendar, which compiles 24 of our best stories from 2021. We wish you happy holidays!
To the advent calendar
The coronavirus will continue to affect our lives and our work for some time to come. To keep you informed about news, regulations and projects connected to the pandemic, we will add a short COVID-19 section to the end of every READ.ME until further notice.
Return to remote working and other restrictions
As of December 20, work from home is required once again. Most buildings will only be accessible using an ETH card and only academic events are permitted on campus. In-person teaching and examinations can proceed as planned.
Tighter measures throughout Switzerland
Access to restaurants and leisure venues is only open to people who have been vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19 (2G). Unless 2G is observed, private gatherings are limited to ten people only. Certain tests are free once again, even for people without symptoms.
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ETH Zurich
Department of Computer Science
Communication & Marketing Group
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CH-8092 Zurich
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