News, insights and stories from the Department of Computer Science.
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The pulse of innovation
Dear readers,

Thanks to the tireless efforts of our department members, we are able to successfully drive innovation in a range of areas. The SCION network architecture, invented by Adrian Perrig, provides fast, secure and reliable data transfer. Just this month, Adrian and his colleagues received a test-of-time award at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy for this work. Congratulations!

Further, Christian Holz and Andreas Rene Fender have developed a technology to rewind reality and experience it again, and Siyu Tang has participated in art project where she populated a digital vertical city with autonomous avatars.

Our department also participates in a range of events to promote computer science and maintain the steady stream of young computer science talent that is crucial to our ability to keep driving innovation. One of these is the annual “Schweizer Tag für den Informatikunterricht” (STIU) that offers workshops for teachers of all levels. Juraj Hromkovič has organised this event for many years. Thank you, Juraj!

Keep up to date with what else is going on in our department in this edition of READ.ME.

Best regards,

Timothy Roscoe
Department Head
• STAFF – Welcomes and farewells
• CONGRATS – Prizes and awards
• HIGHLIGHTS – Stories of the month
• EVENTS – Connect, interact and learn
• PLEASE MEET – Cléa Benz
• HOT – D-INFK in the news
• JOBS – Open positions
• GOOD TO KNOW – Tips of the month
Faculty and staff
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all new staff members who have joined our department by the end of last month. We look forward to working with you.
Our new staff

To the staff who are leaving us, we wish you the best of luck in your future careers and hope to work with you again someday.
Theo Rekatzinas
Welcome, Dennis Komm

Dennis, formerly a Senior Scientist Focus Education, is now an Associate Professor. He heads the Algorithms and Didactics Group at the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science. Learn more about his work in the interview. Welcome to your new role, Dennis!
Mihir Bellare
Welcome, Mihir Bellare

Mihir, professor at the University of California in San Diego, joined us as a guest on June 28. He will stay with the Applied Cryptography Group, headed by Kenny Paterson. Enjoy your time at the department, Mihir!
Annamarie Passchier
New role for Malte Schwerhoff
At the beginning of June, senior scientist and lecturer Malte Schwerhoff has taken on the additional role of educational developer, where he will work to improve teaching at D-INFK for both students and lecturers. Good luck with your new role, Malte!
Read interview
Farewell, Tobias Klenze
Tobias Klenze, postdoc in the Information Security Group, will be leaving ETH Zurich and joining the Dfinity foundation as a researcher next month. All the best to you, Tobias!
Farewell, Paolo Penna
Paolo Penna, senior researcher in the Information Science and Engineering Group, leaves ETH Zurich by the end of June to take a next career step. We wish him all the best for the future!
Farewell, Byungsoo Kim
By the end of the month, Byungsoo Kim, postdoc at the Computer Graphics Laboratory and consultant at Disney Research, will move on to take a role as senior software engineer at NVIDIA. All the best, Byungsoo!
Farewell, Mohsen Ghaffari
Mohsen Ghaffari, head of the Discrete and Distributed Algorithms Group, is leaving ETH Zurich to take on a faculty position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All the best, Mohsen!
Farewell, Manuel Rigger

Manuel, a postdoc in the group of Zhendong Su since 2019, is moving on to work as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore. Congratulations and all the best!
Rest in peace, Octavian Ganea
The death of our former doctoral student Octavian in late May 2022 at the age of 34 saddens us deeply. Despite our grief, we want to carry on his enthusiasm for life and cherish his memory.
Read farewell note
Passed doctoral examinations: June 2022
Dominik Borer (Prof. Bob Sumner), 7.6.
Simon Zimmermann (Prof. Stelian Coros), 20.6.

Congratulations to our newly minted Doctors of Sciences ETH Zurich!
Prizes and awards
Congratulations to our faculty, researchers and students who have won prizes, awards and fellowships for their work. We are proud of you and thank you for asserting our reputation.
Browse our award section
Adrian Perrig wins IEEE S&P test-of-time award

At the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2022, professor Adrian Perrig and his colleagues received a test-​of-time award for their first publication on the SCION network technology. Congratulations, Adrian!
2022 ACM Distributed Computing Doctoral Dissertation Award for Manuela Fischer
Manuela Fischer, former doctoral student at the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, receives the 2022 ACM Principles of Distributed Computing Doctoral Dissertation Award. Well done, Manuela!
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Stories of the month
Vulnerabilities in Mega cloud service
Prof. Kenny Paterson, Matilda Backendal, Miro Haller
Kenny Paterson's team discovered security holes in the New Zealand-​​based cloud platform Mega that allow the provider to decrypt and manipulate customer data.
Rewind reality and experience it again
Prof. Christian Holz, Andreas R. Fender
Did you miss an important moment? Christian Holz and his postdoc Andreas Rene Fender have developed a system that can record and later replay events in a room in 3D.
Avatars populate a utopian city
Prof. Siyu Tang
An exhibition in the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao features ETH Zurich architects who show their vision of a utopic vertical city. Computer scientists, including Siyu Tang, added autonomous avatars to the structure.
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Upcoming events
CSNOW Summer Apéro, June 29, 17:00
For the first time after the pandemic, the CSNOW Summer Apéro will take place again. Join in, free food and drinks await. Learn more
Call for exhibition, VIScon, 14 - 16 October 2022
Do you have a project you would like to show off? The VIScon exhibition will take place during the Symposium on Saturday afternoon. You can be part of it and show how the knowledge absorbed in the lectures can be applied in action. The exhibition is intended to be a space filled with hands-on projects in computer science and related fields. VIScon is organised by the department's student association, VIS, and also features a hackathon and a symposium. The call for exhibition is open until July 24. Learn more
Application open, HackZurich, September 16 - 18 2022
The hackathon takes place in the context of the annual Digital Festival Zurich. Teams must include two to five members and participation is free. Register now
More upcoming events
Past event: "Schweizer Tag für den Informatikunterricht" STIU
The "Swiss Day for Computer Science Teaching" STIU took place on Wednesday June 8. For the first time, the student competition "Informatik-Biber" was integrated into the STIU. Also, it was the last STIU organised by Juraj Hromkovič. A big thank you to all helpers!
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Browse photos
Please meet...
Cléa Benz, Alumna (Master in Computer Science, focus: Visual Computing), android developer at Ubique

In one sentence, what do you do?
I code and specify new features, I help plan our projects to meet deadlines, and I support the Ubique team wherever needed.

What do you like most about your role?
Having different roles, working on projects I’m passionate about and having an outstanding team.

What was your favourite lecture and why?
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations because there is nothing more beautiful than making mathematical formulas visible.

What was the most important life lesson you learned at ETH?
You can learn anything; it is just a matter of commitment.

What did you want to be as a child?
An architect. I'm still a nerd when it comes to buildings.

Dominic Weibel
D-INFK in the news
 Prof. Markus Gross
Blick: Das Metaverse ist weiter, als man denkt
Read article
 Prof. Markus Gross
Schweizer Macher: Zürich – Heimat für Disney und Avatare
Listen to podcast
 Prof. Rasmus Kyng, Dr. Maximilian Probst Gutenberg
Quanta magazine: Researchers achieve "absurdly fast" algorithm for network flow
Read article
 D-INFK spin-off LatticeFlow
LatticeFlow: LatticeFlow wins Swiss AI Award 2022
Read article
 D-INFK spin-off Arbrea Labs, Alumnus Endri Dibra
VentureLab: Arbrea Labs: The Venture Leader Medtech helping patients make informed decisions regarding surgery
Read article
 Alumna Sabine Do-Thuong
Girls in Tech Switzerland: Q&A with Sabine Do-Thuong, Head of Development at Verity
Read article
 D-INFK spin-off Auterion
Nau: SEF-Awards gehen an Yamo, Auterion und Caluvolution
Read article
More media coverage
Open positions
Cyber-Defence Fellowships
To promote research and education in cyber-defence, the EPFL and the Cyber-Defence (CYD) Campus have jointly launched the “CYD Fellowships – A Talent Program for Cyber-Defence Research”. The 6th call for applications is now open with a rolling call for Master Thesis Fellowship applications, and with a deadline of 15 August (17:00 CEST) for Doctoral and Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship applications. Both new applications and resubmissions are strongly encouraged. The related Applicant Workshop will be held online on 29 June 2022 from 10:00 to 10:45 (CEST). Learn more
Software Engineer at the Institute for Machine Learning
Ready for a new challenge in data science? The Medical Data Science Group, headed by Julia Vogt, is looking for a software engineer for various tasks in data management.
Learn more
Mobile Application Developer at the Professorship for Learning Sciences and Higher Education
Math is not an easy subject to teach. To change that, the Professorship for Learning Sciences is creating an application to teach maths using the latest research on human cognition and learning. They are now looking for a mobile application developer to join their interdisciplinary development team to optimise the currently existing application.
Learn more
Are you a student interested in open positions, full-time or part-time, and internships? Then the job mailing list by the Association of Computer Science Students (VIS) is for you.
Sign up for VIS job mailing list here
CAS and DAS in Cyber Security
Both continuing education programmes are offered by our department and focus on the technical foundations of information security. The CAS targets professionals who do not necessarily have a strong computer science background and work in positions where they need a basic understanding of the technical and policy aspects of modern information security. The DAS provides a more extensive curriculum. The application deadline for both programmes are on July 1, 2022.
Read more on the CAS and more on the DAS
Tips of the month – new art tour and carpooling opportunity
Explore works of art over lunch

With the arrival of summer, the Campus Services department offers a new walk-in tour called "Kunst zum Zmittag" – art for lunch. Every Friday from June through August, starting at 12:15 pm, you can explore selected works of art in the main building – free of charge and without registration.
More information
Corporate carpooling between ETH Zurich and Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Attention commuters: there is a new carpooling opportunity between Campus Hönggerberg and the PSI. The "PSI Link" platform is accessible to all students and employees of ETH Zurich and PSI. It can be used for regular commuting or single trips.
Check out the new platform
Corporate Communications seeks students for workshop
ETH Corporate Communications (CC) is looking for ways to increase the efficiency of its communication with students. In a 2.5-hour workshop during the lecture-free period, they are aiming to find out what type of communication students would prefer and look at possible ideas for solutions. Therefore, CC is looking for two Bachelor’s and two Master’s students. If you are interested, complete this provisional Doodle survey. Michael Walther and Christoph Elhardt from CC will get in touch with you.
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Department of Computer Science
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