News, insights and stories of the Department of Computer Science.
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Off to new shores
Dear readers,

Summertime, the semester break and social restrictions in times of COVID brought a certain deceleration to our daily life. Important events like the Master’s graduation were held in virtual space, and Zoom and Microsoft Teams replaced public venues. Two weeks into the fall semester, we look back and appreciate a hint of normality that has returned to our everyday life. Real encounters and face-to-face events are somewhat possible again.

This fresh start comes with some gratifying figures: more new Bachelor’s students than ever before (429) have enrolled this semester and the percentage of women has increased (+3%). The Department of Computer Science maintains its popularity – after Mechanical Engineering, we are the study programme with the largest inflow. A promising and needed trend, if we look at the latest report from ICT Vocational Training Switzerland, which forecasts a further worsening of the shortage of specialists by 2028.

The start of the new semester also entails some challenges, and I would like to thank all department members for the great cooperation and efforts at all levels. We might not be able to fully compensate for the current restrictions, but thanks to this outstanding teamwork, we can provide an acceptable study experience without any loss of quality.

On a final note, we have various exciting news, such as a new faculty colleague joining our Systems Group, the launch of the European AI network ELLIS as well as a finalist at the KITE Award and various other award winners.

Enjoy life back on campus and stay healthy!

Best regards,

David Basin
Department Head

PS: Students who want to keep up with the latest news from the department and have not yet subscribed to our newsletter, click here.
• STAFF – Welcomes, farewells and updates
• WANTED – open positions
• CONGRATS – Prizes and awards
• HIGHLIGHTS – Stories of the month
• EVENTS – Virtual happenings
• HOT – D-INFK in the news
• GOOD TO KNOW – Tip of the month
• PLEASE MEET – Denise Spicher
• IMPORTANT – Mandatory presence tracing
• UPDATES – Masks, catering and more
Faculty and staff
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all new staff members who have joined our department. We look forward to working with you.
Our new staff

To the staff who are leaving us, we wish you the best of luck in your future careers and hope to work with you again someday.
Torsten Hoefler appointed Full Professor
The ETH council has appointed Torsten as Full Professor of Scalable Parallel Computing in the Department of Computer Science, in recognition of his excellent work in research and teaching. Congratulations on this promotion!
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Welcome, Professor Ana Klimovic
Ana Klimovic joins D-INFK as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering. She will lead the Efficient Architectures and Systems Lab within the Systems Group. Get to know Ana in this short interview.
Read interview
Professor Onur Mutlu changes departments
As of September 1, Onur and his SAFARI group have moved to the Department of Electrical Engineering. Onur remains affiliated with D-INFK and will mentor students and teach at D-INFK. We look forward to continued collaboration!
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Farewell, Sibille Etling
Sibille Etling is leaving ETH at the end of September in order to focus on her second job in communications for the Institute of Sociology of the University of Zurich. We wish you the best of luck and hope to see you around the campus.
Welcome, Paulina Motyka
Paulina Motyka, who started September 1, will replace Sibille Etling as administrative assistant to Professor Thomas Hofmann. She will also assume this role for Professor Mrinmaya Sachan. Welcome to the department!
Open positions
Apply to do your doctorate at the CLS
From now until November 2, the joint Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems is accepting PhD applications. Doctoral candidates are co-supervised by one advisor from ETH Zurich and one from the Max Planck Society.
Apply now | Learn more about the CLS

READ.ME occasionally features especially interesting open positions in academia and spin-offs. Would you like to advertise a position? Contact us.
More open positions
Prizes and awards
Congratulations to our faculty, researchers and students who have won prizes, awards and fellowships for their work. We are proud of you and thank you for asserting our reputation.
Browse our award section
KITE Award nomination
Professor Juraj Hromkovič, Hans-Joachim Böckenhauer and Dennis Komm received a KITE Award nomination for their new concept for the introductory lecture “Fundamentals of theoretical computer science". Well done!
Read more | Watch video
Students win hardware design contest
Doctoral student Johannes de Fine Licht and Bachelor student Manuel Burger from the Scalable Parallel Computer Laboratory have won in two categories at the Xilinx Open Hardware Design Contest. Congratulations!
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Martin Hirt and Zuzana Trubini receive TCC Test-of-Time Award
Martin and former D-INFK doctoral student Zuzana receive the prestigious TCC Test-of-Time Award for their 2008 paper titled "Perfectly-Secure MPC with Linear Communication Complexity", which introduced hyper-invertible matrices to perfectly secure multiparty computation.
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ETH Medals and Willi Studer Prize for our Master's students
Three of our Master's graduates received the ETH Medal for their outstanding Master's thesis: Thibault Dardinier, Vaclav Rozhon and Christoph Schultheiss. Xianyao Zhang was awarded the Willi Studer Prize for the best overall grade in his Master's studies. Congratulations on your achievements!
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Stories of the month
Professors Valentina Boeva, Ryan Cotterell, Thomas Hofmann, Andreas Krause; Dr. Severin Klingler
Titled “Everything AI? The rise of human-​machine partnerships”, the latest edition of ETH Zurich's magazine Globe presents several AI research projects from D-INFK. Many of our professors, researchers and centres are portrayed in the current issue, in which the importance and complexity of the associated ethical responsibility become obvious.
Overview | English PDF | German PDF
A robot that controls highly flexible tools
Simon Dünser
Prof. Stelian Coros

Researchers from the Computational Robotics Lab have developed a robot that can cut complex shapes by using a flexible hot wire.
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Outsmarting the PIN code
Prof. David Basin
Dr. Ralf Sasse
Dr. Jorge Toro Pozo

David and his team discovered a critical flaw in the security of VISA cards, which allows circumvention of the PIN code.
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How Machine Learning can help in medicine

Prof. Julia Vogt
Prof. Fanny Yang

In the ETH Podcast, Julia and Fanny talk about what drew them to their field and why machines will never quite replace human beings in medicine.
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Foundations for trustworthy artificial intelligence
Prof. Andreas Krause
Prof. Julia Vogt

Leading AI researchers from 30 top institutions across Europe are joining forces to form the European AI network ELLIS, with many of our faculty involved in key roles.
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ETH AI spin-off DeepCode acquired by a unicorn in cybersecurity
Prof. Martin Vechev
Dr. Veselin Raychev

DeepCode, a spin-off of the Secure, Reliable and Intelligent Systems Lab, will be acquired by Snyk, a world leader in developer-​first security code analysis.
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Upcoming events
1 October, 9:00-16:45 – SDSC-Connect, online
SDSC-Connect, organised by the Swiss Data Science Center, focuses on industrial applications of data science. The theme for 2020 is “Enhancing discovery and creativity with AI”. The event takes place online and is free of charge.
Read more and register

1 October, 17:50-19:50 – Presenting the Media Technology Center @ETH, online
Get to know the Media Technology Center and the research projects it's working on in this online event hosted by Hacks/Hackers Zurich.
Read more and register

5-10 October – VIScon Digital, ETH HG and online
Despite the pandemic, our students are working hard to bring you the first ever digital edition of the VIScon. The varied programme will feature workshops, keynotes and more both at ETH and online, so that attendance is possible anywhere in the world. Sign up yourself and tell your friends!
Sign up now

20 October – ETH AI Center opening ceremony, online
The new ETH AI Center will officially assume operations on Tuesday, October 20 – save the date for the grand opening. The event will be held online and all department members will receive a full invitation via e-mail.
Past events
First digital Master's degree graduation ceremony
On August 27, the department held its first semi-online Master's degree graduation ceremony, a replacement for February's event, which had to be cancelled on short notice. Over 80 students signed up for the event and the livestream gathered over 700 views.
View gallery
Virtual Information Days for high school students

The Information Days, the biggest annual recruiting event for ETH Zurich, took place online on September 2 and 3. Around a thousand pupils visited a computer science talk or presentation. Thank you to everyone who helped by giving talks or answering questions.
Watch introductory video
View full programme as PDF
ETH Industry eWeek – digitalisation day

The virtual ETH Industry eWeek replaced the annual ETH Industry Day. September 22, day two of the four-day event, was all about digitalisation and featured many current and former members of the department.
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Visit virtual exhibition
D-INFK in the news
• D-INFK Spin-off Auterion
Bilanz: Alle Drohnen der US Army verwenden zukünftig eine Zürcher Software Read article
• David M. Sommer, Moritz Schneider, Jannick Gut, Professor Srdjan Capkun
Republik: Passwort: «Wahlen» Read article
• Alumnus Herbert Bruderer
ExtremeTech: We Just Found the User Manual for the First Digital Computer Ever Built Read article
• Affiliated Professor Bernhard Schölkopf
FAZ: Wie intelligent werden Computer, Herr Schölkopf? Listen to podcast
• Professor Markus Gross, alumni Urs Hölzle and Georg Polzer
Bilanz: Digital Shapers Hall of Fame Read article
• Alumnus Kaspar Etter
Explained from First Principles: The Internet Read blog
More media coverage
Tip of the month – New brochures and more colours
New brochures for computer science study courses
The brochures for the promotion of the study programme in computer science are currently undergoing a complete revision. The visual approach with metaphorical objects leads away from common clichéd images and new content such as interviews and quotes creates added value for the reader. Read more
More freedom with the revised corporate design
The revised ETH corporate design offers a lot of freedom in terms of design and includes nine ETH house colours. Chose the colour you like most or that fits best with your poster, flyer or document and create your individual look.
Find more information, instructions, templates and the ETH font for download on this website.
Please meet...
Denise Spicher, Studies Administrator (More)

Describe what you do in one sentence.
I am an administrative service provider, who deals with and addresses the many needs of students and professors alike, and who enjoys doing that.

What are the most important skills someone in your role must have?
The simple formula of M4: Man muss Menschen mögen = You need to like people.

Do you have a motivational quote?
With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts (Eleanor Roosevelt).

What is your favourite place at and around ETH and why?
I don’t have any particular favourite place, but I am happy to be part of the wonderful ETH community.

How do you spend your leisure time?
In non-corona times, I enjoy going to movies and concerts, I like to read up on news, and I love socialising, hiking and meditation.
The coronavirus will continue to affect our lives and our work for some time to come. To keep you informed about news, regulations and projects connected to the pandemic, we will add a short COVID-19 section to the end of every READ.ME until further notice.
Mandatory presence tracing at D-INFK
During the coronavirus crisis all attendance at D-​INFK buildings (CAB, CNB, STD, STF, UNG, UNH) must be documented. You are required to fill in a web form before entering your office, a meeting room or before spending more than 15 minutes at someone else's office. The ISG has provided a QR code generator to facilitate entering your data into the form.
D-INFK presence tracing web tool
Important updates
Compulsory facemasks in lectures
Hermann Lehner, Head of Academic Services, explains the safety protocols for lectures in the autumn semester.
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Covid-19 cases at ETH

What to do if you test positive? The Safety, Security, Health and Environment (SSHE) department explains.
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Safety concept for catering outlets
All catering outlets at ETH Zurich have reopened. Here's how to stay safe on your lunch and coffee breaks.
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