News, insights and stories from the Department of Computer Science.
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Happy holidays
Dear readers,

An eventful year is coming to a close. We have seen a gradual return to normal after the long pandemic, and gone through the department evaluation, which will help us grow, develop and improve in the years to come.

I would like to thank all the department members, be they faculty, scientific staff, administrative and technical staff or students for your continued engagement and excellence on all fronts. This month, particular congratulations go to Srdjan Capkun and Zhendong Su for attaining the status of IEEE Fellow, and to our student team for winning a silver medal at the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC).

As of the end of this year, I will be stepping down as Department Head and leaving D-INFK in the capable hands of Kenny Paterson and Thomas Hofmann. It's been an intense couple of years, but a fantastic experience. As Head, one gains a new insight into how great this department really is, and how well all the different parts of it work together. All of us can feel immensely proud of being part of D-INFK and helping to make it successful.

I wish you all a successful end to the semester and happy holidays! Please enjoy this edition of READ.ME.

Best regards,

Timothy Roscoe
Department Head

Title image: A D-INFK candle burns at a pre-pandemic edition of the mulled wine event in the CAB courtyard.
• STAFF – Welcomes and farewells
• HIGHLIGHTS – Stories of the month
• CONGRATS – Prizes and awards
• EVENTS – Connect, interact and learn
• PLEASE MEET – Alexandra Maximova
• HOT – D-INFK in the news
• JOBS – Open positions
• GOOD TO KNOW – Tip of the month
• HAPPY HOLIDAYS – Season's greetings
Faculty and staff
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all new staff members who have joined our department by the end of last month. We look forward to working with you.
Our new staff

To the staff who are leaving us, we wish you the best of luck in your future careers and hope to work with you again someday.
New composition of the department's Executive Board as of January 1
Kenny Paterson takes on his new role as Department Head. Thomas Hofmann will be the new Associate Department Head. Timothy Roscoe will remain on the Executive Board for now, replacing Gunnar Rätsch. We thank you all for your service!
Kristina Hostakova appointed to senior assistant
Kristina, formerly a postdoc in the Foundations of Cryptography Group led by Professor Dennis Hofheinz, has been promoted to senior assistant. Well done, Kristina!
View Executive Board
Welcome, Natasha Fischer-Vaidya
This month, Natasha started her new position as office manager at the Institute for Computing Platforms. We wish you a smooth start, Natasha!
Welcome, Zebang Shen

Zebang, former doctoral student at Zhejiang University in China, has joined the group of Prof. Niao He as a postdoc. We are happy to have you on board, Zebang!
Farewell, Anna Ettlin

Anna leaves D-INFK to take on a new role at Empa. As a marketing and communication specialist, she was responsible for writing stories and organising the Master's graduation ceremony. You will be missed, Anna!
Welcome, Sandra Jedrinovic
Sandra started her new position in the Marketing & Communication Group, where she will be focusing on internal communication. Prior to that, Sandra was working in the industry. Have a great start!
Annamarie Passchier
Welcome, Ulrike von Groll
Ulrike takes on her new role in the group of Sandra Herkle, where she will manage recruiting events and programmes. She was previously working at D-USYS and brings a lot of experience to the table. Welcome!
Welcome, Noémie Frezel Jacob
Noémie joins the Communication & Marketing Group as an intern. Her focus will be on editorial, stories and content. It's great to have you on board, Noémie!
Passed doctoral examinations: November 2022
Andrea Lattuada (Prof. Timothy Roscoe), 30.11.
Charlotte Knierim (Prof. Angelika Steger), 5.12.
Adrian Spurr (Prof. Otmar Hilliges), 7.12.
Harun Mustafa (Prof. Gunnar Rätsch), 13.12.
Jascha Grübel (Prof. Bob Sumner), 14.12.
Samuel Steffen (Prof. Martin Vechev), 15.12.
Chris Wendler (Prof. Markus Püschel), 19.12.
Xinrui Lyu (Prof. Gunnar Rätsch), 20.12.

Congratulations to our newly minted Doctors of Sciences ETH Zurich!
Stories of the month
Art made by humans or computers?
Master’s students Jan Schnyder, Nicolas Muntwyler, Stan Wohlwend
Generai is a platform that uses artificial intelligence to create art. Jan, Nicolas and Stan teamed up with UZH computer science student Kyrill Hux on this project.
More precise treatment with AI
Prof. Gunnar Rätsch, Senior Scientist Andre Kahles
Gunnar and Andre from the Biomedical Informatics Lab are involved in the mTORUS project funded by The LOOP Zurich, which targets urinary tract infections with the help of bacteriophages.
In search for the intelligent machine
ETH AI Center Fellow Elvis Nava
When Elvis spreads his fingers, a white robot hand does the same. He is teaching robots to understand and execute oral and written commands by combining sensory stimuli.
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Prizes and awards
Congratulations to our faculty, researchers and students who have won prizes, awards and fellowships for their work. We are proud of you and thank you for asserting our reputation.
Browse our award section
Srdjan Capkun and Zhendong Su named IEEE Fellows
Congratulations to Srdjan and Zhendong, who have been named IEEE Fellows! Srdjan was honoured for his contributions to wireless and systems security, Zhendong for automated software testing and analysis.
D-INFK students become European Champions
Master’s students Marcel Bezdrighin, Antti Röyskö and Yuhao Yao won a silver medal at the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), which is the best placement by an ETH team ever. Congratulations!
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Upcoming events
Fix the Leaky Pipeline (FLP) Kick-off event 2023, 3 February 2023, Uni Bern
FLP, a career development programme of the ETH Domain, is aimed at female doctoral students and postdocs to fix the “leaky pipeline” of women in science. It offers young female scientists the opportunity to reflect on their professional situation, develop a strategy for their career and expand their network.
Learn more
Past events
Distinguished Colloquium
The autumn series of the distinguished colloquium has come to an end. Topics like Machine Learning and Antimicrobial Peptides have been presented by colleagues from around the globe. Thank you to all of the speakers and the hosts! Photos are available here.
ETH Unterwegs

Every year, ETH Zurich visits selected secondary schools in Switzerland with the traveling exhibition ETH Unterwegs. This time, our department displayed Monster Mash from the Interactive Geometry Lab and the Osteoclasts project from the ETH Game Technology Center.

On 19 December, after a two-year break, the department's annual mulled wine event, the Glühwein-Apéro, took place again in the CAB courtyard. Students, staff and faculty came together to celebrate the end of the semester and the upcoming Christmas break.
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Photo gallery
Please meet...
Alexandra Maximova, doctoral student

What is your current role at D-INFK?
I am starting a doctorate on educational robotics in Dennis Komm’s and Juraj Hromkovič’s groups. Education is not a new topic for me, because I am also pursuing the teaching diploma in Computer Science and working in the promotion of gifted and talented children in Juraj Hromkovič’s group.

What do you find most fascinating about computer science?
I like how abstraction uncovers the same underlying structure in seemingly unrelated problems. For example, we can use the same algorithm to find the coordinates of a vector with respect to a given basis and to find the coefficients of a polynomial approximating a given function. Graph algorithms work the same on any problem that can be formulated as a graph problem, be it suggesting new friends on Facebook or finding out which connections in a network are not strictly necessary.

What is the best advice you ever got?
Try to make your life a bit better every day and take care of the future you.

How do you spend your leisure time?
In my leisure time, I like drawing, sewing dresses and reading.
D-INFK in the news
 Prof. Adrian Perrig
Finance Swiss: An internet immune to cyberattacks? Yes, it exists!
Read interview and watch video
 Florian Schütz, Federal Delegate for Cybersecurity and D-​INFK Alumnus
Computerworld: "Für mich befindet sich die Schweiz im Mittelfeld"
Read article
 Friederike Groschupp, Prof. Shweta Shinde, Prof. Srdjan Capkun
TechXplore: An architecture that gives users full control of their smartphones
Read article
More media coverage
Open positions
Are you a student interested in open positions, full-time or part-time, and internships? Then the job mailing list by the Association of Computer Science Students (VIS) is for you.
Sign up for VIS job mailing list
Tip of the month – Extended library opening hours
Are you studying for an exam or writing a paper? The computer science library in CAB offers extended hours before and during the exam session. From 9 January to 17 February, students can use the library from 9 am to 8 pm.
More about the library
Happy holidays!
What Christmas at ETH could look like: lots of snow, a big Christmas tree and a decorated dome. This festive image was not made by a human but by Generai, a platform co-developed by three of our Master's students that uses AI to create art.

From 24 December 2022 until 3 January 2023, all of ETH will be closed. We look forward to seeing you again in January and thank you for being a part of the D-​INFK family. Happy holidays and all the best for the New Year!
Season's Greetings
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ETH Zurich
Department of Computer Science
Communication & Marketing Group
Universitätstrasse 6
CH-8092 Zurich
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