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Header Life Science Zürich
Newsletter 2/2024
Dear reader,

Today's newsletter points out a few bigger events which all will have a big audience, or so at least we hope.

Best regards

Life Science Zurich
Silvie Cuperus & Helen Stauffer
Communication & Events
FameLab 2024
We are looking for new talents in science communication!
Are you enthusiastic about your research findings and eager to share them with the world? Do you enjoy entertaining your family and friends with the latest scientific facts? Do you enjoy taking on new challenges?

Be part of FameLab Switzerland 2024, the international science communication competition where you can share your passion for science with others. Convince the audience and the jury with an original 3-minute presentation on a scientific topic of your choice. Be scientifically correct, clear and above all charismatic!

The competition is aimed at anyone between the ages of 18 and 32 who is studying or working in the STEM subjects and social sciences. Register here by April 15.
BrainFair 2024
BrainFair 2024 - Mental Health
Mental health is a key and increasingly important issue in today's world and relates to the state of our mind, emotions and wellbeing. Good mental health enables us to face life's challenges effectively, build relationships and lead a fulfilling life. In contrast, mental health problems such as depression or anxiety can have a significant impact on our daily activities and relationships.

The BrainFair 2024 events (in German) will shed light on the topic from different angles: what exactly is meant by this term, what are the dangers to our mental health and how can we take care of it? A variety of specialists will explain the current state of knowledge, try to answer your questions and discuss them with you.
 Discussion Forums 11-14 March 2024, link to program
 Short Presentations 16 March 2024, link to program
6th Global Science Film Festival
Introducing the Global Science Film Festival 2024
Lights, camera, excitement! Are you passionate about films? Do you believe in the power of scientific exploration for our society? Prepare to dive into the captivating world of science and cinema in Switzerland at the 6th Global Science Film Festival 2024. The event takes place in November 2024 in Zurich, Basel, Bern and Lugano simultaneously.

From health to climate, from technology to social change, the festival will cover a wide array of scientific topics relevant to our world. And guess what? You can be a part of it! How? Support our crowdfunding campaign and secure your tickets to the event. Every contribution counts, no matter the size. And join us at in the cinema in Zurich or Basel for an unforgettable experience. Together, let's make the film festival a success!

The crowdfunding campaign runs from 4 March to 18 April 2024 here.
Call for Film Submissions
Attention researchers and filmmakers! The Global Science Film Festival 2024 is now accepting submissions for its film competition. Whether you're a seasoned science filmmaker or an aspiring storyteller, we invite you to submit your work for the "Scientists-as-Filmmakers" category.

The selected films will be screened at the film festival in Zurich, Bern, Lugano and Basel. Don't miss the chance to share your vision and inspire others with your passion for science stories.

Submitt your film here.
SMILE Studie
Study participants wanted
Dyscalculia is characterized by deficits in number processing and calculations and persists into adulthood. To date, no evaluated program exists that helps affected adolescents and adults to fill gaps in basic mathematical competences.

The research project SMILE, a collaboration between the URPP Adaptive Brain Circuits in Development and Learning (AdaBD), the University Children’s Hospital Zurich and the Institute of Education of the UZH, develops such a support program and evaluates its effectiveness regarding math performance and neuronal changes in the brain.

The study is currently looking for participants between 14 and 27 years of age with dyscalculia, who will participate in the support program and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements, as well as participants without dyscalculia, participating in MRI measurements only.

More information and registration here (in German).
Neue Austellung im Science Pavilion
New exhibition in the Science Pavilion UZH: «What makes us human? »
The Department of Evolutionary Anthropology at UZH has been exploring this question for 125 years. In the new exhibition at the Science Pavilion UZH, you will discover the differences and, above all, the similarities between other animals and us. Come by and immerse yourself in current anthropological research.

When: from the 5th of April, daily from 12 – 5 pm
Costs: none
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