News, insights and stories of the Department of Computer Science.
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A fresh look ahead
Ladies and gentlemen,
dear colleagues,

In today’s age of global digitalisation, corporate websites and content can be accessed and compared at anytime from anywhere in the world. This shift has lead to an increased strategic importance of corporate design.
The department’s website serves as a digital showcase and – together with our print brochures and further information materials – it accounts for our business card. All elements shaping the outside perception of the department must satisfy our high standards regarding content and presentation. Moreover, emerging communication technologies, applications and trends demand constant reviewing and further developing of our appearance.
A strong brand, a coordinated online and offline presence and concise messages are particularly important in view of the competition for top international talents. Consequently, we seize the upcoming refresh of the ETH Zurich brand as an opportunity to review and update our departmental communication platforms.
Detailed information on the upcoming step-by-step refresh as well as further news from the department can be found in this issue of READ.ME. Enjoy reading!

Best regards,

David Basin
Department Head
• STAFF – new colleagues, a farewell and a new start
• IMPORTANT – external advice service
• CONGRATS – prizes and awards
• HIGHLIGHTS – stories of the month
• EVENTS – what's up?
• HOT – D-INFK in the news
• PLEASE MEET – Michael Aerni
• GOOD TO KNOW – tip of the month
Faculty and staff
Many doctoral students, senior researchers and admin staff have recently joined our department. Welcome on board! We wish you a smooth settling in and look forward to working with you.
Our new staff
Farewell, Professor Jürg Nievergelt
We are saying farewell to one of our founding fathers. At the age of 81, Jürg Nievergelt, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, passed away this October. He inspired countless students and doctoral candidates not only with his knowledge of computer science but also with his humanity.
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Mirjam Rösli takes on additional tasks
Mirjam Rösli, head of the computer science library, will be taking on further tasks for the department administration, such as organising faculty lunches, reorganising the archive and planning relocations. We wish her joy and successs with her new duties.
Contact Mirjam Rösli
External advice service against bullying, harassment and discrimination
In addition to its internal service, ETH Zurich now offers its members a new independent, external advice centre to deal with bullying, harassment and discrimination. The external advice centre conducts consultations in confidence and provides no details of consultations to internal units.
External service | Internal service
Prizes and awards
Congratulations to our faculty, researchers and students who have won prizes, awards and fellowships for their work. We are proud of you and thank you for asserting our reputation.
Browse our award section
Professor Markus Gross inducted into the IEEE Visualization Academy

Markus has been inducted into the IEEE Visualization Academy for his substantial contributions to the field of visualisation.
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Team from Scalable Parallel Computing Laboratory wins ACM Gordon Bell Prize
Alexandros Nikolaos Ziogas, Dr. Tal Ben Nun, Timo Schneider and Prof. Torsten Hoefler, along with two D-ITET researchers, received the prestigious ACM Gordon Bell Prize.
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Professor Angelika Steger receives Golden Owl

The Golden Owl is awarded by the student association VSETH to professors who have offered their students excellent teaching. Well done, Angelika.
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Dr. Felix Günther receives ACM SIGSAC Doctoral Dissertation Award
Our new postdoctoral researcher Felix Günther from the Applied Cryptography Group received the award for his doctoral thesis "Modeling Advanced Security Aspects of Key Exchange and Secure Channel Protocols".
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Three D-INFK doctoral students honoured with ETH Medal
Dr. Celestine Mendler-Dünner (group of Thomas Hofmann), Dr. Johannes Schönberger (group of Marc Pollefeys) and Dr. Simone Schaub-Meyer (group of Markus Gross) received an ETH Medal for their outstanding doctoral theses. Read more
ISSS Excellence Award for Dr. Christian Badertscher
Christian Badertscher, currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Edinburgh, received the ISSS Excellence Award for his doctoral thesis, which he completed in the group of Ueli Maurer.
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Stories of the month
"Research and teaching nurture each other"

Prof. Peter Müller
Peter is retiring as our Director of Studies, to be succeeded by Professor Ueli Maurer. In this interview, Peter reflects on his two years in office.
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"You must have the courage not to be perfect in your expression"
Dr. Severin Hacker
Severin Hacker, D-INFK alumnus and co-founder of Duolingo, has revolutionised language learning – and he's not done yet.
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Meet Marina, SSRF Student from Serbia

Marina Draskovic
Marina visited D-INFK last summer for her ETH Student Summer Research Fellowship (SSRF), during which she worked in the group of Prof. Mattern.
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Upcoming events
4 December, 17.15-18.00, CAB G51 – IMI: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Tackle Media's Biggest Challenges
Mounir Krichane, director of the EPFL Media Center, will be introducing IMI, an alliance of academic, public and private partners intent on stimulating innovation in the media and IT sector. This public event is part of a lecture series hosted by the new ETH Media Technology Center.
View all MTC lectures

9 December, 16.15-17.15, CAB G 61 – Distinguished Colloquium: Productive Failure and Learning
Prof. Manu Kapur researches learning at ETH. In his public talk, he will be explaining how designing for and learning from failure can be productive.
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10 December, 17.00-18.00, CAB G 11 – Disney Tech Talk: Workflow and Technology Challenges for Animated Films
The talk by Rajesh Sharma, staff engineer at Disney Animation Studios, will focus on the studio pipeline with emphasis on technology and the growing complexity in films like Frozen 2.
See all events by CGL

16 December, 17.00, CAB south atrium – Glühwein-Apéro
D-INFK students and staff alike are invited to the annual Glühwein-Apéro, to ring in the holiday season with mulled wine (or a non-alcoholic "Punsch") and good company. The Apéro will take place in any weather.
View last year's gallery
More upcoming events
Past events
22 October – Unix 50 event at Nokia Bell Labs
Professor Timothy Roscoe was invited to speak at the Unix 50 event at Nokia Bell Labs, commemorating 50 years of Unix operating systems and looking to the future.
Watch video and read more
6 November – SCION Day

The first SCION Day took place on 6 November 2019 in the Semper Aula. Over 120 people from academia and industry attended the event, which aimed to bring different industries and research closer together. View gallery
14 November – National Future Day
On National Future Day, pupils get to know a variety of career options. Numerous young visitors participated in coding workshops at our department, led by inspiring volunteers from the groups of Prof. Gärtner and Prof. Hromkovic. View gallery
D-INFK in the news
• Prof. em. Niklaus Wirth Niklaus Wirth – eine lebende Informatik-Legende Read article
• Prof. Joachim Buhmann
NZZ: Im Rausch des Sammelns von Einsen und Nullen Read article | Watch video
• Prof. Srdjan Capkun, Prof. Adrian Perrig
Computerworld: ETH-Labor im Kampf gegen Cybergefahren Read article
• Arbrea Labs (D-INFK Spin-off)
Plastic Surgeons Are Using A.I. to Determine Beauty Read article
More media coverage
Please meet...
Michael Aerni, chairman of MoEB (Master students without an ETH Bachelor)

How would you describe what you do in one sentence?
I coordinate the MoEB committee which supports Master students without an ETH Bachelor; either by answering questions related to ETH, their studies and Switzerland, or by organising leisure and networking events.

What do you like most about your role?
I really appreciate meeting people from all around the (academic and geographic) world. Every one of them introduces new ideas and perspectives.

What is the best advice you ever got?
You can become exceptional at many things if you invest enough time and enjoy what you are doing.

What insider tip would you give to somebody who just arrived in Zürich?
Buy a Half-Fare Travelcard – otherwise travelling is almost unaffordable. Drink tap water – it is some of the best in the world. Make friends early – you need them in order to survive.

Do you have a role model? Who and why?
It is rather impossible to name a single person. However, I have met quite a few inspiring individuals who shaped my aspirations in one way or another, including but not limited to some of our department’s professors.
Tip of the month – upcoming changes to websites and templates
ETH Zürich is planning a step-by-step reworking of the corporate design, both on the website and in print, for a cleaner and more modern look. View details (PDF in German)
Between December 2019 and August 2020, there will be three phases of changes to the website. All AEM authors will be informed of the changes ahead of time. Team Communication will be updating the D-INFK website accordingly, and taking this opportunity to rework and restructure some of its contents.
Contact Team Communication
New templates for posters, presentations, etc. will be available in the first quarter of 2020. Please always use the newest templates and update your existing materials before the end of 2020.
Download templates