News, insights and stories of the Department of Computer Science.
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A record-breaking Indian summer
Ladies and gentlemen,
dear colleagues,

Last week, the fall semester started with beautiful late summer weather and we warmly welcome all our new students from home and abroad. We are pleased that this year, again, we can observe a new record number of first-semester students: 402 students are currently enrolled for computer science studies. This is over 20 more than last year and we are thus, after Mechanical Engineering, the department with the highest number of new students.
With the semester start, we set out anew to equip our new members with the algorithmic thinking that is unique to our discipline. Together with the ability to critically evaluate and solve complex problems, algorithmic thinking is a foundation for lifelong learning and is a prerequisite for tackling the challenges of the 21st century in the field of science and technology.
Find more news and the latest stories about our department in this edition of READ.ME. Enjoy the reading!

Best regards,

David Basin
Department Head
• STAFF – meet your new colleagues
• SSRF – farewell to our summer students
• CONGRATS – prizes and awards
• HIGHLIGHTS – stories of the month
• EVENTS – what's up?
• HOT – D-INFK in the news
• PLEASE MEET – Regula Cinelli
• GOOD TO KNOW – tip of the month
Faculty and staff
Two new faculty members and many doctoral students, senior researchers and admin staff have recently joined our department. Welcome on board! We wish you a smooth settling in and look forward to working with you. Our new staff
Prof. Christian Holz
Christian Holz joined our department at the beginning of August 2019. He leads the Sensing, Interaction & Perception Lab.
Read interview
Prof. Rasmus Kyng
Since September 2019, Rasmus Kyng is part of our faculty. He leads the Algorithms and Optimization Group.
Read interview
We bid our SSRF students 2019 goodbye
After two summer months at the department, our 20 international SSRF students departed for their homes – with a backpack filled with reseach experience, ETH spirit and lots of good memories.
Read more | View impressions
Prizes and awards
Congratulations to our faculty, researchers and students who have won prizes, awards and fellowships for their work. We are proud of you and thank you for asserting our reputation.
Browse our award section
Prof. Mohsen Ghaffari receives ERC Starting Grant
Mohsen Ghaffari has received an ERC Starting Grant. In his ERC project, he plans to tackle problems in distributed graph algorithms and to develop efficient massively parallel algorithms. Read more
In the Media
Prof. Bernhard Schölkopf wins the prestigious Körber Prize
Bernhard Schölkopf, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and Affiliated Professor at our department, received the prestigious Körber Prize.
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Stories of the month
"I felt empowered"

David Yenicelik
David Yenicelik, computer science student and co-founder of Skilllab, develops artificial intelligence to uncover roadmaps that guide refugees on how to integrate into local labour markets.
Read more
Data gloves as future computer interface?
Oliver Glauser
Join doctoral student Oliver Glauser from the Interactive Geometry Lab in this video as he introduces a data glove which can capture accurate hand motions in real time.
Watch video
AI probes dark matter in the universe
Dr. Aurélien Lucchi
A team of physicists and computer scientists at ETH Zurich have programmed computers to teach themselves how to extract relevant information from maps of the universe. Read more
Upcoming events
3 October, 10.00-11.00, AudiMax – Global Lecture: HoloLens 2 Unpacked
Alex Kipman will discuss the science and technology behind HoloLens. He is a technical fellow who leads the COGNITION team at Microsoft that encompasses Microsoft’s effort in artificial intelligence & mixed reality.

11-13 October – VIScon, Symposium and Hackathon
It's amazing what our students from the VIScon team are doing this year. The programme is now online, and it's impressive, a small "Who is Who" of the IT industry. Don't miss it!
Register and read more

22 October, 11.00-12.00, AudiMax – Global Lecture: 5G: Innovation for Prosperity
Dr. Chang-Gyu Hwang is CEO of KT Corporation, South Korea's largest telecommunications company. In this lecture he speaks on 5G technology.
More upcoming events
Past events
4-5 September – Information days
What a great crew: 14 students, 1 senior researcher, 3 doctoral students, 2 professors, 6 alumni and 2 communication staff worked together at this year's information days to encourage new students to join the department.
View impressions
9-13 September – Taster week
CSNOW, our network of women in computer science, invited 32 female high school students to experience computer science at ETH during one entire week and to program their own app.
View impressions
16-17 September – Orientation days
Interest in computer science remains high: on 16 September 2019, 402 new students embarked on their bachelor studies. That's the highest number ever!
View impressions
D-INFK in the news
• Prof. Torsten Hoefler
HPCwire: New Method that can Simulate Nanoelectronics Earns Researchers Gordon Bell Prize Nomination Read more
• Media Technology Center (MTC) Media Technology Center kurz vor Start Read article
• Dr. Oliver Marchand, Dr. Elke Schaper (Alumni) MSCI reaches agreement to acquire Carbon Delta Read article
• Marc Röschlin
Sonntagszeitung: Das macht das Handy den ganzen Tag Read article
• Indoor Astronaut, spin-off
PIXEL. Magazin: Charmanter Koop-Schienenbau-Titel Unrailed! löst die Bremsen und bahnt sich heute den Weg auf den PC Read article
• Dr. Vlad Coroama
Tagesschau: Digitaler Energieverbrauch steigt Watch clip
More media coverage
Please meet...
Regula Cinelli, Coach and Student Advisor at ETH Student Services

How would you describe what you do in one sentence?
I support students in mastering challenging situations at the beginning of their studies and in their daily student lives – be it in personal meetings or through workshops and events in cooperation with the departments.

What do you like most about your role?
I am a neutral, confidential person students can talk to. I help them find feasible solutions tailored to their current situation. Last week, for example, a student thanked me because he succeeded in a resit exam. I draw great satisfaction from seeing how a single conversation can sometimes change someone’s world.

What do you like most about working at ETH?
I find it inspiring to work with our/ETH Zurich's fast-thinking young adults.

What is your favourite place at and around ETH and why?
I like being active and have been an enthusiastic member of the ASVZ since my own student years. Thus, the catacombs of the sports facilities Polyterrasse and Hönggerberg are quite "homey" to me!

If you weren't a coach and student advisor at ETH, what would you do?
Perhaps I would work in a different context, on different topics, or with a different target group – but certainly also in consulting and coaching.
Tip of the month – how to coordinate visits at ETH
Department visits
Be it a visit request from a high school class, another university or an industry partner: the Communication & Marketing team is your point of contact. They are happy to coordinate, take over the planning, and are ready to help and advise you according to your needs.
ETH visits
There are also many options on offer for any general visitor enquiries which may reach you. From taking a guided tour to visiting exhibitions and exploring outdoor spaces: ETH Campus offers a wide variety of ways to discover new facets of ETH.