News, insights and stories of the Department of Computer Science.
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Raising the bar
Ladies and gentlemen,
dear colleagues

The summer holidays are drawing to a close and the ETH campus is crackling with anticipation. Examinations run until August 30 and we wish our students a successful final sprint. Meanwhile, preparations for the start of the semester on September 16 are underway.
Provisional figures indicate that, this year, we will get to welcome more new Bachelor’s students to our department than ever. This trend is very encouraging, particularly for the Swiss economy, which has had a shortage of computer science specialists for a long time. Despite this positive development, there is still a lot to do and we continue to be highly committed to the promotion of young talents – especially women.
In mid September, the annual study information days will take place. This is the largest and most comprehensive event for helping high school students decide which courses offered at ETH are the best match for them. Additionally, the taster week for female high school students, organised by our CSNOW team, is fully booked again.

Happy reading!

Best regards,

David Basin
Department Head
• STAFF – new arrivals and retirements
• CONGRATS – our latest prizes and awards
• HIGHLIGHTS – stories of the month
• EVENTS – for researchers, industry and future students
• HOT – D-INFK in the news
• PLEASE MEET – Jacqueline Braunschweiler
• GOOD TO KNOW – Tip of the month
Faculty and staff
In July, several new doctoral students and postdocs have joined the department. Welcome to D-INFK! Our new staff
Meanwhile, we are saying good-bye to two of our colleagues. We wish them a pleasant retirement!
Thank you, Professor Thomas Gross!
At the end of July 2019, Professor Thomas Gross attained professor emeritus status. We thank him for 25 years of commitment to research and teaching. His kind personality and award-winning teaching skills (Golden Owl 2016) will be remembered.
Read more
Thank you, Marlies Weissert!
Marlies Weissert, administrative assistant to Prof. Peter Müller, is retiring at the end of September. Thank you for your dedication and hard work for over 10 years – your colleagues will miss your positivity! Marlies Weissert's duties will be taken over by Sandra Schneider.
Prizes and awards
Congratulations to our faculty, researchers and students who have won prizes, awards and fellowships for their work. We are proud of you and thank you for asserting our reputation.
Browse our award section
Prof. Markus Gross selected as member of the ACM SIGGRAPH Academy
The ACM SIGGRAPH Academy honours Prof. Markus Gross with a membership for his contributions in computer graphics and interactive techniques. Read more
Prof. Andreas Krause wins ACM SIGKDD Test of Time award

Prof. Andreas Krause and five further authors were honoured for their lifetime achievement in their approach to outbreak detection, featured in their research paper "Cost-Effective Outbreak Detection in Networks". Read more
Stories of the month
Let women code!
Julia Chatain
As a female computer scientist, Julia Chatain has experienced many conscious and unconscious biases. With her work at the Game Technology Center, she aims to refute such prejudices for future generations.
Read more
Prime or not prime?
Prof. Kenny Paterson
In this video, Prof. Kenny Paterson explains about primes and pseudoprimes, the role they play in cryptography and how primality testing is performed in software.
Read more and watch the video
Upcoming events
2 September – Global Lecture: Is Digital Space the New Battlefield
A conversation with Peter Maurer, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, and Brad Smith, President of Microsoft.
Main building, Audi Max lecture hall HG F 30, 10:30-11:30.
Register here

4 September – Innosuisse Roadshow
A great opportunity to learn more about the support for innovation projects carried out jointly by research partners and SMEs.
ETH Hönggerberg, HPH G 2, 10:00-12:00
Register here

4 September – ETH Industry Day 2019
A strong D-INFK presence at the ETH Industry Days. Speakers: Prof. Martin Vechev, Prof. Christian Holz. Exhibitors: Interactive Geometry Lab, Swiss Data Science Center, our spin-offs Anapaya Systems, Tinamu Labs, DeepCode, Enlightware, Futurae, Percim and Spinningbytes.
ETH Hönggerberg, building HPH, 13:30-17:20
Register here

4 - 5 September – Studieninformationstage 2019
The most comprehensive annual information event to help high schools students in their decision process, organized by ETH Zurich and UZH. Feel free to drop by to visit our exhibition comprising six research projects and to say hello to our crew onsite.
View the programme
More upcoming events
D-INFK in the news
• Prof. Thomas Hofmann
ETH Podcast: Artificial intelligence Listen to podcast
• Prof. Joachim Buhmann
Bluewin: «Die Digitalisierung ist die grösste Revolution, seit wir sesshaft sind» Read article
• Teralytica, DeepCode Startups Teralytics und DeepCode sichern sich 21,5 Millionen Dollar Read article
More media coverage
Please meet...
Jacqueline Braunschweiler, HR Manager Department of Computer Science and Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering.

Describe what you do in one sentence.
I provide HR services, such as advising supervisors and employees on various topics like recruiting, employment and compensation, leadership support and personnel development.

What are the most important skills of an HR manager?
First and foremost, an HR manager has to have a genuine interest in people. Social competence and empathy are essential to understanding the stakeholders’ needs. In addition, a good understanding of business and finance rounds off the profile of a professional HR manager.

What is the best advice you ever got?
To be myself and to stay authentic.

What is your favourite place at and around ETH, and why?
The terrace of the ETH Dozentenfoyer. I find the view over the city and the lake simply breathtaking. It combines two things that are both very dear to me: ETH and the beautifully located City of Zurich.

If you had one year of paid leave, what would you do?
First of all, I would go to Italy to study the Italian language and culture. Then, I would travel through New Zealand for several months – so far, I have only gotten to see a small part of that amazing island country.
Tip of the month – how to promote upcoming events
Department events
To promote an upcoming event, enter it in the ETH event calendar. If you include our department's "Leitzahl" – 02150 – in the event mask, your event will automatically be featured on the D-INFK website’s event section and on one particular infoscreen showing internal events on the F floor of CAB. Use the URL Feed Generator to feature events on your own AEM website or infoscreen.
URL Feed Generator
External events
Are you from another department or ETH unit? If your event is of interest to D-INFK students and staff, you can promote it on our two infoscreens in CAB that feature external events. Use our templates to create a slide and send it to the Communication & Marketing Group.