News, insights and stories of the Department of Computer Science.
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More space for computer science
Ladies and gentlemen,
dear colleagues,

We have good news regarding the department’s space shortage. As you know, this is a topic that has occupied the department's executive board for many years now and our need for more space has grown due to numerous successful faculty hirings. We are very grateful to have received an entire additional building at Stampfenbachstrasse (STF) as well as a substantial amount of space in the Andreasturm (OAT) in Oerlikon.
In spring 2020, some of our research groups will already move and complement our hub at Stampfenbachplatz. Moreover, the relocation of further research groups and centers to Oerlikon in 2021 will allow for a more relaxed room situation at CAB. While spreading out over three hubs gives us more space, it also comes with challenges. We are aware of these and would like to thank all of you in advance for your flexibility and support with the demanding change process. We will keep you posted with current information about our new hubs and relocations regularly.
I would like to express my thanks to all members of our department for your excellent work over the past year and wish you happy holidays and a smooth start into a promising 2020.

Best regards,

David Basin
Department Head
• STAFF – new colleagues, a farewell and a thank you
• HELP - test your typing speed
• WSS – donation for secure data transmissions
• CONGRATS – prizes and awards
• HIGHLIGHTS – stories of the month
• EVENTS – what's up?
• HOT – D-INFK in the news
• PLEASE MEET – the team behind READ.ME
• GOOD TO KNOW – tip of the month
Faculty and staff
Many doctoral students, senior researchers and admin staff have recently joined our department. Welcome on board! We wish you a smooth settling in and look forward to working with you.
Our new staff
Farewell, Professor Hector Garcia-Molina
Hector Garcia-Molina, honorary doctor of the department and a dear friend to many faculty and staff involved in database research, passed away on November 25 at the age of 65. Hector was a gifted researcher and an inspiration to students and colleagues alike.
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Students thank Professor Ueli Maurer via newspaper ad
Team StonkZ, a group of ten computer science students, acquired an entire page of the anniversary edition of the newspaper "20 Minuten" and used it to express their gratitude to their favourite professor, Ueli. They admire him for his ability to explain the complexities of discrete mathematics in a simple way.
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Test your typing speed – for science
As many of you know, our colleague, Dr. Anna Feit from the AIT Lab, is researching typing habits. She's looking for folks of all ages to take her typing test in German. Do you speak German or know someone who does? Take the test yourself, compete with your friends and family and help collect data for research. Anna is particularly interested in users who take the test on a smartphone.
Test your typing (German only) | Read more
Professors Basin, Müller and Perrig receive funding from the Werner Siemens Foundation
David Basin, Peter Müller and Adrian Perrig have received funding from the Werner Siemens Foundation. They will be working together with Prof. Matthew Smith from the University of Bonn for the next eight years to develop a fundamentally new security architecture for data exchange. Congratulations, David, Peter and Adrian, for this significant recognition!
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Prizes and awards
Congratulations to our faculty, researchers and students who have won prizes, awards and fellowships for their work. We are proud of you and thank you for asserting our reputation.
Browse our award section
Professor Markus Püschel named IEEE Fellow
Markus has been named an IEEE Fellow for his research on Spiral and novel methods for the discovery of signal processing algorithms. Congratulations!
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Professor Srdjan Capkun recognised as ACM Fellow
Congratulations to Srdjan for receiving this fellowship for his contributions to systems and wireless network security.
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Professor Gustavo Alonso wins Test-of-Time Award

The paper "Calling the Cloud: Enabling mobile phones as interfaces to cloud applications", which Gustavo co-authored in 2009, received the ACM/IFIP/Usenix International Middleware Conference 2019 Test-of-Time Award.
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Professor Stelian Coros receives ERC Consolidator Grant

In the animal kingdom, structural compliance arising from soft materials is an integral part of the design of every biomechanical system. Stelian aims to establish a systematic way of exploring this mechanical side of intelligence.
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Professor David Basin becomes member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences
The members of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, the most important Swiss network of notable people in engineering, chose David as a full member. Congratulations!
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BRCCH grant for Dr. Barbara Solenthaler

Barbara received a grant from the Botnar Research Centre for Child Health. She plans to use machine learning to improve treatment for cleft lip and palate, with Prof. Markus Gross as a collaborator. Prof. Ce Zhang is involved in another BRCCH project.
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Two of our doctoral students receive awards at SC19
Congratulations to Marcin Copik and Grzegorz Kwasniewski from the Scalable Parallel Computing Lab: Marcin won a gold medal in the ACM student research competition, and Grzegorz and his team received the SC Best Student Paper Award.
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Dr. David Cock wins ACM SIGOPS 2019 Hall of Fame
A paper that David co-authored 10 years ago, "seL4: formal verification of an OS kernel", has won the ACM SIGOPS 2019 Hall of Fame award. Today, David is a postdoc at the Institute of Computing Platforms.
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Stories of the month
Rainforest preservation through machine learning
David Dao
David, a doctoral student with Ce Zhang at the DS3Lab, develops algorithms that learn to predict deforestation using satellite and drone images. David presented his research at the UN climate conference in Madrid this month.
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Safe drone flights everywhere
Spin-off Tinamu Labs
Dr. Tobias Nägeli

Tobias, co-founder of Tinamu Labs, talks about how the start-up aims to make filming with drones simpler and safer for sports broadcasters and the entertainment industry.
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A new network design for the “Internet from space”
Prof. Ankit Singla
Debopam Bhattacherjee

Ankit and his doctoral student Debopam have developed a concept for a new network topology for the "Internet from space" based on the new generation of low Earth orbit satellites.
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Upcoming events
21-24 January, Davos – World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) will once again feature a public ETH exhibition. Our department will be represented by impressive projects, such as the robotic PuppetMaster from the group of Stelian Coros and the AR project PuppetPhone from the Game Technology Center.
Visit WEF website | Read more about ETH projects

31 August - 1 September, details TBA – Paul Bernays Lectures
Save the date for next year's Paul Bernays Lectures by Prof. Saharon Shelah from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The renowned mathematician is best known for his work in mathematical logic, especially model theory. The official announcement will follow in due time.
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More upcoming events
Past events
28-30 November – Hackathon on Permafrost
More than 80 students and staff members from various departments participated in the Hackathon on Permafrost in the CAB building. The purpose of the hackathon was analysis of the data gathered on Matterhorn over many years by D-ITET researchers.
View gallery
16 December – Glühwein-Apéro

Students, staff and faculty gathered around the big Christmas tree in the CAB atrium to celebrate the end of the semester and enjoy a cup of mulled wine. Can you find yourself or your colleagues in the photos?
View gallery
D-INFK in the news
• New faculty member: Prof. Ryan Cotterell
ETH News: 19 new professors appointed Read article
• Prof. Juraj Hromkovic
NZZ: Informatikunterricht: Wie Primarschüler Geheimschriften entschlüsseln lernen – ganz ohne Computer Read article
• Profs. Thomas Hofmann, Andreas Krause, Gunnar Rätsch
ELLIS Society: 17 ELLIS units across 10 European countries and Israel established Read article
• Prof. Marc Pollefeys
Computer Vision News: Best of ICCV 2019 – Interview Read article
• Cyber Defence Campus, Alumnus Dr. Vincent Lenders
Watson: Die Schweiz hat jetzt einen eigenen Cyber-Defence-Campus – wie Israel und die USA Read article
More media coverage
Please meet...
Communication & Marketing Group D-INFK, the team behind READ.ME
Amanda, Katharina, Sandra, Simona, and Anna (from left to right)

How would you describe what you do in one sentence?
We are dedicated to sharpening the department’s profile, raising its visibility and boosting interaction with internal and external stakeholders such as schools, students, media, alumni and the general public.

What do you like most about your work?
We love to be in constant contact with so many different and interesting people. We feel that we can make a significant contribution to how the department is perceived. The promotion of young talents and women as well as the scouting for exciting research topics and stories is particularly important to us.

What are your plans for next year?
Among other things, we plan to completely renew the information material for the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes. With "Informatiktage" (Computer Science Days), a major event is coming up in March, and we want to further expand and supplement our range of in-depth stories and start producing short videos about the department. An extra challenge will be to support the department management in providing adequate internal communication to smooth our relocation to three computer science hubs.

Do you have feedback, suggestions or specific wishes for READ.ME or anything else you'd like the Communication Group to know? Please send an e-mail to
Tip of the month – get connected on Twitter
Follow us...
Did you know that the department has an active Twitter page with over 2000 followers? You can follow us @CSatETH to keep up with department news – and remember to tag us in your tweets.
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Do you have a Twitter account where you share excerpts from your work, research news or anything else related to computer science? Let us know so we can follow you and tag you. Write us an email at