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NCCR Digital Fabrication Newsletter
Looking Back and Moving Forward
Another stimulating year is drawing to a close, and we are delighted that our research and projects continue to be recognised and acclaimed both in Switzerland and around the globe. In 2023 we celebrated the founding of the COMPAS Association, the establishment of several spin-offs, and increased transfer of research to both industry and in education programmes. For 2024, we already look forward to accomplishing large projects, hosting large conferences, and facing the ever growing challenges of advancing how we design and the ways we build.

With seasons greetings from the Robotic Fabrication Lab.
• Autonomous Landscape Research
• IASS 2024 Call for Abstracts
• New Production Technology for Façades
• Working with Robots
• STEP2 Unit Cadenza
• Events
NCCR DFAB Christmas
Autonomous Landscape Research featured in Science Robotics
Autonomous Landscape Research featured in Science Robotics
NCCR DFAB researches have published an article in the renowned journal Science Robotics. The article depicts work and technical developments in robotic land works using the HEAP, a large-scale autonomous robotic excavator. This research develops processes that promote efficient use of on-site resources and provide carbon-reducing alternatives to conventional construction.
See the HEAP in action
Call for IASS 2024 Abstracts Open
Call for IASS 2024 Abstracts Open
The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) symposium will be hosted by the NCCR DFAB at ETH Zurich next August. We now invite abstracts for work that addresses the 2024 theme of "Redefining the Art of Structural Design". All information including dates, sessions and submission details are available online now!
Send in your IASS 2024 abstract
Extending Building Life Cycle Thanks to Digital Fabrication
Extending Building Life Cycle Thanks to Digital Fabrication
Digital fabrication can extend the life cycle of buildings. Researcher Matthias Brenner uses Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) to produce customised spare parts for a complex metal façade. Thanks to the targeted replication of individual defective elements the replacement of the entire façade system can be avoided.
Discover digital fabrication methods
Working with Robots
Expert in Industrial Robots
As Head of Industrial Robotics and Automation at the Robotic Fabrication Lab, Philippe Fleischmann is challenged daily by many different sizes of robots and widely varied research interests in how they can be used. To control these robots, to help researchers, and to harmonise production he works with COMPAS_RRC, a software tool he co-developed.
Read Philippes portrait
A Concrete Staircase named Cadenza
A Concrete Staircase named Cadenza
The helical concrete stair Cadenza exemplifies the synergy of cutting-edge engineering and fabrication technologies. Installed at the new EMPA NEST module STEP2 and developed by NCCR DFAB researchers in collaboration with industry, the staircase showcases the use of ultra-high-performance fibre-reinforced concrete to enable radically new geometric aesthetics.
Learn more about Cadenza
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