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Header Life Science Zürich
Newsletter 2/2022
Dear reader,

Pick you topics, we have several interesting news for you.

Best regards,

Life Science Zurich
Silvie Cuperus & Helen Stauffer
Communication & Events
BrainFair 2022 - Hirnverletzung
BrainFair 2022, 14 - 19 March: Brain Injury
A brain injury is a damage to the brain caused by an accident or illness. In the case of external violence, one speaks of a craniocerebral trauma or, in milder cases, of a concussion. But brain haemorrhages, strokes, tumours or other diseases can also damage the central nervous system.

This year's BrainFair will deal with this topic in detail in four discussion panels and on one afternoon with short lectures. In addition, visitors can experience for themselves in a very impressive way what it means to live with a brain injury. This is made possible in a self-experience tour organised by Fragile Swiss. The events are held in German.

As every year, we also run a school program on exciting topics. Researchers from the Centre for Neuroscience Zurich will give online presentations for young people on stress, pain, memory, chance to mention some of the 21 talks. Interested school classes can register on the website. We look forward to receiving many registrations!

You can find the detailed program on the following websites:
 Program discussion forums
 Program short lectures
 Program und registration self-experience course on brain injury
 Program and registrations school program
FameLab Switzreland 2022
FameLab Switzerland 2022 - looking for new talents in science communication!
Are you ready to share your passion for science? If you think you can explain a scientific concept to a general audience, in just three minutes, then join the FameLab Switzerland 2022 Science Slam!

Be scientifically accurate, but understandable and fun. No slides are allowed but you can bring on stage props or your best costume! Get inspired by previous FameLab particiants and our national winners.

Register now for one of the local heats in Zurich on 29 March 2022 (registration deadline 15 March), Lausanne on 5 April 2022 (registration deadline 22 March) or Basel on 28 April (registration deadline 10 April) here. Due to the Covid-pandemic, the FameLab heats (semi-finals) will take place in a virtual format. The FameLab talks will be pre-recorded on campus. The jury will then evaluate the talks online and choose the winners who will participate in the master class and national final.
ZIHP Programm Frühlingssemester
Wissen-schaf(f)t Wissen, spring semester 2022 «Prevention against viruses, bacteria and co.»
The Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP) promotes the dialog between science and society.

Although Sars-COV-2 is still here, research is making new advances in the fight against other diseases every day. Our spring series is therefore dedicated to other epidemics such as malaria and HIV/AIDS, as well as cancer research. We give an insight into the latest state of research in these areas and answer the questions about which developments can still be expected considering the intensified focus on epidemics, virology and mRNA in the last two years.

The presentations are in German and take place on Mondays from 18:45 – 19:45. Due to the Corona situation, the series will be held online only. For more information, see our website.
ETH Public Tours
ETH Public Tours 2022
The annual program of the ETH Public Tours 2022 is online and it offers some new venues. For the first time, the tours will be held under the motto "Responsibility and Sustainability"; a strategic field of action of ETH, which is also of great importance to society. You can, for example, visit the Entomological Collection or the Forest Laboratory. Interested visitors can register online for the tours that take place on Tuesday evenings.
ScienceFilmmaking Marathon
6th Science Filmmaking Marathon
In the 6th filmmaking marathon, researchers receive training in the use of tools for dramatic storytelling and filmmaking. In communicating their research through film, they make their science accessible for a broader audience. Course participants learn the basics of visual storytelling and filmmaking. Working in groups supervised by professional filmmakers they will produce short films during three intensive course days. The produced films will be screened as premieres at the 5th Global Science Film Festival (November 2022) with a special award for the best film.
 Organisation and partners: Science Film Academy, University of Zurich, ETH Zürich, Life Science Zurich, Karger Publishers, EAWAG, SCNAT and WSL
 Participants: Scientists, Postdocs, PhD and Master students from any Swiss higher education institution
 Date and place: 15 - 17 September 2022, University of Zurich
 Further information and registration: see the website. Apply between 1 March and 10 June 2022
UZH Entrepreneur Fellowship
UZH Entrepreneur Fellowships in BioTech, MedTech and Digital Innovation
Do you have an idea for an innovative product or service based on a UZH research project? Are you motivated to make an impact with your idea and start up your own company? Then the UZH Entrepreneur Fellowship might be just the right thing for you! Apply by 15 April 2022.

With this program, the University of Zurich supports young researchers who want to develop a marketable solution based on UZH research. UZH provides funding, advice and support.

Quick facts:
 Tracks in BioTech, MedTech and Digital Innovation
 12 respectively 18 months project length
 Funding of 100’000 to 150’000 CHF
 Supportive trainings, coaching and advice
More informatione & registration: see the website
Biointerfaces International Zurich 2022
Biointerfaces International Conference 2022, 12 - 15 September 2022
The EMPA und the TEDD (Competence Center Tissue Engineering for Drug Development and Substance Testing) cordially invite you to join the Biointerfaces International Conference (BIC) 2022.

The organising parties are joining forces to offer a program with a special focus on microphysiological systems, de novo tissues and organoids. The conference also offers the opportunity to learn about scientific approaches, new technologies and to meet representatives and specialists from different companies and institutions in person.

Save the dates:
 12 September: Pre-Conference Seminar, particularly for young scientists, PhDs and PostDocs
 13 - 15 September: Biointerfaces International Conference Zurich, combined with the TEDD Annual Meeting on 14 September
Confirmed speakers are
Andres Garcia, Georgia Tech, US
Mark Tibbitt, ETH Zürich, CH
Adrian Roth, Roche, CH
Martina Stenzel, University of New South Wales, AUS
Francesca Santoro, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, IT
Catarina Brito, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier, PT
Tatjana Segura, Duke University, US
Thomas Hartung, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, US
Marcy Zenobi-Wong, ETH Zürich, CH
Susan Gibbs, Amsterdam University Medical Center, NL
More speakers are invited and the speaker list is updated regularly, check it out on the website: http://www.biointerfaces.ch/international/2022/. Registration will open soon.
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