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Header Life Science Zürich
Newsletter 5/2021
Dear reader

We are very happy that it is again possible to hold events. A diverse program will take place in the coming weeks: Science Talks, Science Films, public lectures, Nachtaktiv - a program for young people, the FameLab Switzerland Final, as well as conferences on Open Science and Biomedical Research.

We look forward to meeting you at the events at the universities, at the FIFA Museum or at the Film Festivals.

Best regards,
Life Science Zurich
Dr. Silvie Cuperus and Helen Stauffer
Communication & Events
FameLab Final 2021
FameLab Switzerland Finale 17 September 2021
On 17 September, the time has come again: At this year's final of FameLab Switzerland, the 10 best communication talents - the winners of the preliminary rounds in Basel, Zurich and Lausanne - will meet. Who will win the final and represent Switzerland at the the FameLab International competition?

Tune in to the live stream and watch the great science pitches with researchers and students from Agroscope, ETH Zurich, EPF Lausanne, University of Zurich, Université de Lausanne and University of Basel - and vote for your favorite!

When: Friday, 17 September 2021, 3.30 pm
Live stream on Youtube.
Science Talks at the Zurich Film Festival (ZFF)
Eye On Science brings together with Life Science Zurich the world of research and science to the 17th ZFF. This year, we are organizing talks on two selected films from the competition as well as the talk "Science Matters".

The talks will take place at the Festivalzentrum, Sechseläutenplatz in Zurich. Free admission, Covid certificate is required, the talks are in German.
From the Wild Sea
ZFF Talks: Man vs. Animal - A talk about the film FROM THE WILD SEA

24 September, 15:00 to 16:00

Storms along Europe's coasts take their toll. Throughout the year, volunteers work tirelessly to save coastal animals from life-threatening situations. The film takes us on a disturbing yet fascinating journey, from both a human and animal perspective. Various experts discuss the convergence of the two perspectives and the ambivalent relationship of our society to endangered animals and ecosystems.

Guests: Markus Wild (Prof. for Theoretical Philosophy Uni Basel), Sigrid Lüber (President Ocean Care), Michael Krützen, (Professor for Evolutionary Anthropology UZH), Moderation: Karin Frei
Dilemma of Desire
ZFF Talks: Let’s talk about the female sex - A talk about the film THE DILEMMA OF DESIRE

27 September, 12:30 to 13:30

The female anatomy and desire have long been unexplored. Even today, it is fraught with great shame. In THE DILEMMA OF DESIRE, biologist Dr. Stacey Dutton is horrified to discover that she herself is unable to draw an anatomically correct clitoris. Our talk is about the blind spots in science and research regarding women.

Guests: Sarah Scheidmantel (Medical Historian UZH), Annemarie Schumacher Dimech (President Women's Brain Project), Zuzana Gehrig Schenk (Sexologist), Moderation: Karin Frei

ZFF Talks: Science Matters
#filterbubble #fakenews #falsebalancing

1 October, 16:00 to 17:00

For the past 30 years, there has been a broad consensus in the scientific community that global, man-made warming is occurring. Just as science is convinced of the benefits of vaccination. Yet appeals from science seem to get little hearing. Why is that the case? Do facts need to be better communicated? What is the role of politics and the media? How do we make decisions? Are we convinced by facts or is it not rather emotions that guide us?

Guests: Marcel Salathé (Digital Epidemiologist EPFL), Edda Humprecht (Media Researcher UZH), Daniel Hausmann-Thürig (Applied Decision Researcher UZH), Moderation: Beat Glogger
Nachtaktiv E-Football
Nachtaktiv – e-Football 24 September 2021 at the FIFA Museum
Nachtaktiv is a monthly evening program for young people (age 16-25) that combines science, art and entertainment. We are inviting interested young people to visit museums with their peers and engage with new technologies. Alongside the museums exhibitions are stands from ETH and UZH research groups, and a DJ and bar facilitate a relaxed atmosphere. On 24 September, Nachtaktiv will take place at the FIFA Museum, which is showing a special exhibition on the global phenomenon of eFootball. Participating from ETH will be the legendary Robocup soccer team from the Computer Vision Lab, the Cybathlon team will demonstrate how to shoot goals with a prosthetic leg, and the Game Technology Center will present the new App Candli. How your living room can be transformed into a virtual playing field with the help of a 3D sports analytics tool will be demonstrated by Vizrt AG. With the cool sounds of DJ-DUO SOLE, this event is a must if you are interested in robotics and medical technologies, it’s not just for football fans!

Free entry, age: 16-25 years
Friday, 24 September 2021, 19:00 to 22:30
More information and registration: webseite
Global Science Film Festival 2021
4th Global Science Film Festival, 26 - 28 November 2021
The 4th Global Science Film Festival is held simultaneously in Zurich (Filmpodium Cinema, Nüschelerstrasse 11, 8001 Zürich) and Bern (Cinema Rex, Schwanengasse 9, 3011 Bern), and runs from 26 to 28 November 2021. The festival includes the screening of full-length and short films made by professional filmmakers and scientists. The full program and ticketing will be announced on the website soon.
Public Lectures Agroecology
Public Lecture Series: Agroecology and the transition to sustainable food systems, September - December 2021
This online lecture series brings together perspectives from science, practice and policy to provide insight on agroecological fundamentals as well as societal aspects. The whole of the series is structured along the ten elements of agroecology, proposed by FAO. Each element will be discussed in depth for one lecture, with scientific inputs from researchers from ETH Zurich and partner institutions enriched with stakeholders from society and industry. Open to all!

The Introductory Lecture is taking place 21 September 2021 at 18:00.
For the detailed program see the website.
Open Innovation in Life Sciences 2021
#OILS21 Annual Conference 2021 | Open Science & Career Development, 23 & 24 September 2021
Join us at the 4th Annual Open Innovation in Life Sciences Conference happening online and in-person on 23-24 September. Come learn about open science via our keynotes and panel discussion and get career advice in our workshops! Network virtually via our online conferencing platform in 1:1 meetings. Submit your abstract for a chance to pitch your research or start up idea online to win an iPad!

In addition, OILS is also hosting an on-site networking apero/reception with a poster session at the Lichthof on the UZH Irchel Campus (23 Sept, evening). This is an opportunity to share your science, network with UZH and ETHZ Alumni as well as industry and start up representatives. Best poster in the poster competition will receive a cash prize.

Submit your abstract and register for the conference on the website.
Oxford Debate medizinische KI
Oxford-style Debate: Are we Ready for Medical AI? 5 October 2021
A high-level Oxford-style debate evening on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems and its expanded roles within the healthcare sector. Will AI re-invent modern healthcare, or are we deploying such technologies with limited understanding of the risk-benefit trade-off?

 Fabian Ringwald (Chief Information Officer, SWICA)
 Dr. Marc Holitscher (National Technology Officer, Microsoft)
 Min Li Marti (Member of the National Council of Switzerland and Publisher)
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Nikola Biller-Andorno (Vice Dean Innovation and Digitalization, Faculty of Medicine, UZH)
 Moderation: Jeffrey David Iqbal (Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine IBME, UZH)
The event is taking place on Tuesday, 5 October, 5:30 to 7:30 pm in the Kollegiengebäude of the University of Zurich (Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich), room KOL G 201. Registration is mandatory and Covid certificate is required for participation.The event is free and open to the public.

For more information and registration see the website
DQMB Symposium
DQBM-Founding Symposium: Frontiers in Biomedical Research, 29 November 2021
The Department of Quantitative Biomedicine UZH (DQBM) has the pleasure to announce its symposium: 'Frontiers in Biomedical Research'. The symposium celebrates the establishment of the Department in 2019. DQBM's joint mission is to develop the foundations of Precision Medicine by fostering research and education at the interface of biomedical research, biotechnology, and computational biology.

The DQMB cordially invites everyone interested to join the symposium for a day of stimulating scientific talks, discussions and networking. Join the invited experts in Precision Medicine in oncology, neuroscience, systems pharmacology, clinical microbiology and infectious diseases, law and ethics, and more.
 29 November 2021, 9:30 to 19:30
 Careum Auditorium Zurich
 Free admission, registration is required. Register here.
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Core Facility (iPSCore) at the Institute for Regenerative Medizin (IREM)
The discovery of so-called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs, i.e. embryonic-like cells created from ordinary body cells) by Prof. S. Yamanaka at the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University, has ignited a new era of cell-based therapy initiatives and rewarded Yamanaka and his coworkers with the Noble Prize for Medicine in 2012. iPSC-technology has experienced tremendous progress in the field of disease modelling, early drug discovery and regenerative medicine. Zurich as a hub for life sciences has increasingly adopted this research field and initiated powerful applications of these technologies, such as the combination of iPSC and genome editing or three-dimensional organoids.

Therefore, a new iPSC Core Facility (iPSCore) has been established at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine (IREM), UZH to offer expertise, instrumentation and support in the area of iPSC to researchers from UZH and associated institutions. The mission of iPSCore is to support basic and translational research by facilitating all aspects of iPSC technology including the derivation, differentiation and distribution of human iPSC lines.

For futher information please contact Dr. Melanie Generali, Head of iPSCore
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