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Header Life Science Zürich
Newsletter 2/2023
Dear reader,

In this edition, you will read about the next science slam FameLab and find the links to the complete Global Science Film Festival program. We would also like to promote two new lecture series, one on the human microbiome and one on agroecology. Several interesting research projects are looking for participants for their studies and surveys.

Best regards

Life Science Zurich
Silvie Cuperus & Helen Stauffer
Communication & Events
FameLab 2023
FameLab Switzerland 2023 - Looking for new talents in science communication
Are you excited about your research findings and eager to share them with the world? Do you enjoy entertaining your family and friends with the latest scientific facts? Would you like to take on new challenges?

Then join FameLab 2023, the international science communication competition where you can share your passion for science. Convince the audience and the jury with an original 3-minute talk on a scientific topic of your choice. Be scientifically accurate, clear, and most importantly, charismatic!

The competition is open to anyone between 18 and 32 who is studying or working in STEM subjects and social sciences. We look forward to receiving your application and to meeting you!

5th Global Science Film Festival
Global Science Film Festival 2023
The fifth Global Science Film Festival will take place from March 31 to April 2 in Zurich, Lugano and Basel. The festival is supported by the University of Zurich and the ETH Board, among others, and organized by the Science Film Academy in collaboration with Life Science Zurich.

The Global Science Film Festival annually brings together society, filmmakers and science in the cinema. Films produced by Swiss researchers are screened and nominated in the special category SCIENTISTS-AS-FILMMAKERS. The other categories are documentaries & feature length films and short films. The films awarded by the jury consisting of filmmakers and scientists will be awarded the "Walking Ibex".

More information about the festival and the program can be found on the website. Tickets for the festival can be purchased on the platform Evenfrog.
Ringvorlesung Mikrobiom
The human microbiome - unknown and unique
The lecture series of the Volkhochschule Zürich was organized in collaboration with Life Science Zurich.

Microbes - aren't they tiny little creatures that are best kept at bay? Not quite, because bacteria, viruses and even fungi are an integral part of human life and the human body. Billions of them live on our skin, in our mouths and noses, and even in our wombs. Some are guests (some uninvited), others are at home in the body, maintaining symbioses and also interacting epigenetically with human cells. The lecture series with researchers from UZH and ETH provides insights into the state of research on this mysterious community and its role in health.
 Dates: 25 April, 2 May, 9 May, 16 May and 23 May
 More information and registration: here
FAMRI - Participants wanted for research project
Have you been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) or clinically isolated syndrome? Would you be interested in participating in a scientific study investigating the causes of fatigue in MS?

The study will take place on two dates and will include an MRI. Between the two appointments, we will ask you to wear a wristband (actigraph) which records your activity and rest cycles. The first appointment is expected to last 2 hours and the second appointment a little more than one hour. For your participation, you will receive an expense allowance of 125 CHF.

You will have no immediate benefit from your participation. Through your participation, you are supporting basic research. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us via e-mail. Further information about the study can also be found on the website.

The study is being conducted by the Department of Neurology at the Schulthess Clinic in cooperation with the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich. The study does not test any drugs and does not receive any support from the pharmaceutical industry. Your information will be kept strictly confidential. If you are interested in participating in the study but ultimately do not take part, your data registered for this purpose will be deleted immediately, unless you have consented to data storage for future contact.
Please note that sufficient knowledge of German is needed to participate in this study. If you are interested in contributing to research, but do not speak German, you are more than welcome to still contact us. We are happy to inform you about relevant future studies.
Umfrage Seltene Krankheiten
Online survey on rare diseases
Researchers at the University of Zurich would like to better understand how adults and parents of children with rare diseases perceive the access to the healthcare system and learn more about their mental and physical well-being. Affected adults and parents of children with rare diseases are invited to participate in an anonymous online survey.

Completing the online questionnaire takes approximately 45-60 minutes. The link to the adult survey can be found here. For parents of children with rare diseases, the questionnaire is here.

Prof. Markus Landolt & M.Sc. Susanne Wehrli from the Institute of Psychology thank you very much for your support!
CoCoCap65+ - Studie
Participants 65+ sought for innovative study
The "URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging" is looking for participants, aged 65+ for a innovative training study. Are you interested in trying new things while activating resources that are important for healthy aging and that promote cognitive, social, and emotional well-being? Then this training could be interesting for you!

For further information about the CoCoCap65+-study (Community-Based Cognitive-Affective Capacity Building 65+) visit the website, register and join for free:
Agroecology and the Transition to Sustainable Food Systems
Agroecology and the Transition to Sustainable Food Systems
This ongoing public lecture series at ETH Zürich provides a variety of perspectives on the topic of agroecology. Invited experts will discuss benefits and the potential of agroecology to contribute to sustainable food system transformation but also challenges and limitations. This spring, the series of five lectures will highlight the principles of connectivity, input reduction, recycling, fairness and soil health. Join us to discuss this holistic and integrated approach with experts from across the food system.
 Datees: 13, 20 und 27 March
 Mondays, 17:15 - 18:15
 Zoom webinar
 More information and registration here.
Evolution im Labor ETH Tour
Evolution in the Laboratory - ETH Public Guided Tour at the Department of Biosystems
From antibiotics to corona vaccine - how synthetic biology is teaching evolution new tricks.

During this evening, you will learn how researchers in synthetic biology are working to teach evolution new tricks, what XNA has to do with DNA and why all this is important for the medicine of our future. The event will take place in Basel.
 Date: 21 March 2023
 Time: 18.15 – 19.15
 More informatin and registration here.
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