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Header Life Science Zürich
Newsletter 5/2023
Dear reader,

We have the 3Rs Day in Lugano and ETH Food Day, coming up in September and November respectively. At both events, discussions with experts are welcome. Reatch launches an important ideas competition - read more about it and all the other topics in this newsletter.

Best regards,
Life Science Zurich
Silvie Cuperus & Helen Stauffer
Communication & Events
FameLab Final 2023
FameLab Switzerland Final
We are excited: The Switzerland FameLab Final 2023 will take place soon! With the FameLab Zurich winners Ruchi Manglunia, Mathias Herzog and Anish Kirtane.

Will you join us on Monday, 18 September at PROGR Bern?
Food Day at ETH
Food Day @ETH
The event will focus on engaging youth in food systems transformation. The symposium will give young researchers and practitioners a chance to share their ideas and passion. Oral presentations from Center-funded projects will highlight research on agriculture, nutrition, and equitable livelihoods. And, of course, all are then welcome to discuss at the networking poster session, which highlights innovative research from across the food system.

14:30-16:30: Workshops
17:15-21:00: Plenary Session and Networking Poster Session

More information and registration here.
Long COVID - Participants wanted for clinical study
Are you affected by Long COVID (Post-COVID-19 Syndrome)? Would you be interested in participating in a scientific study?

In a clinical study of the Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute at University of Zurich, researchers explore the effects of Pycnogenol® (a natural remedy) versus placebo in people with Long COVID. The study will last 12 weeks, during which participants will visit the study center in Zurich four times.

If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact the research team by email. For more information about the study see here.
Swiss 3Rs Day
Swiss 3Rs Day
The Swiss 3Rs Day 2023 will be taking place at USI, Lugano on 19 September. Registration is now open here.

The Swiss 3Rs Day is a full-day event featuring 13 speakers from industry, academia and animal welfare organisations. This year, the keynote speech will be held by Hannah Harrison on In vitro modelling of breast cancer metastasis and niche priming (Manchester University). Topics covered will range from culture of care (Thomas Bertelsen, Novo Nordisk) to digitalization of in vivo studies (Eoin O' Connor, Roche), zebrafish welfare (Chloe Stevens, RSPCA) and many more exciting 3Rs-related topics. Stay tuned for the full speaker schedule and vendors. (1-day continuing education accreditation will be given for attendance to persons conducting animal experiments).
Reatch Ideenwettbewerb
Reatch Ideas Competition 2023
We are pleased to draw your attention to the Ideas Competition of Reatch: The Franxini Project is looking for concrete ideas on how science can work together with politics, business or civil society to overcome challenges facing our society over the next 175 years,

Which course of action needs to be set now, so in 2198 people can be equally proud of 2023 as we are of the developments since 1848?

Reatch is looking for solutions for the future of Switzerland! You can find all information about the competition here.
LongNeck Studie
LongNeck sudy: Individuals experiencing acute neck pain or whiplash injury sought for participation
Have you been experiencing acute neck pain or whiplash injury for no longer than four weeks, and were you pain-free for three months before that? Then, consider becoming a study participant and make a valuable contribution to pain research!

As a participant in our ongoing neck study, you will assist us in determining the key factors throughout a year that contribute to the early detection of chronic neck pain. The assessments will take place either at ZHAW in Winterthur or at the University Hospital in Zurich.

Are you interested? If so, you can find more information and a registration for participation on the website. The study is conducted by the Physiotherapy Research Unit at the ZHAW Winterthur in cooperation with the UZH and the University Hospital Zurich. Your information will be treated with strict confidentiality.
Postdoc onboarding
The next Graduate Campus UZH welcome event for all new postdocs will take place on Tuesday, 3 October at 4:30pm.

New at the University of Zurich? To make your start easier, the Postdoc Onboarding provides you with a comprehensive overview of the resources available to early career researchers at UZH - and you get to know colleagues! For organizational purposes, GRC requires a binding reservation. Reserve your spot here.
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