Dear friends of the ETH AI Center,
We would like to provide you with some exciting updates from the ETH AI Center and its growing community.
We would like to provide you with some exciting updates from the ETH AI Center and its growing community. The ETH AI Center now comprises 110 research groups in the faculty, 20 corporate partners and has led to nine AI startups.
As the Covid-19 restrictions in Switzerland have recently been lifted, we would like to hear from you what kind of events you would like to see in 2022! Participate in the survey to suggest event formats and topics that you would enjoy being a part of. We are already excited to learn what we can achieve together this year. We already have many interesting events coming up, we look forward to seeing you at our main and community events!
Meet us at our upcoming events:
- March 5, Zurich: AI + Art Talk: Where Do the Boundaries Lie Between the Art World and the Digital Realm of AI? Link - March 15, 14:00 CET, Zurich: AI+X Lab on Nanorobotics with Prof. Simone Schürle: Link - March 22, 16:00 CET, Zurich: AI+X Dialog on Nanorobotics with Prof. Simone Schürle: Link
Save the date of this year's AI+X Summit: October, 14th 2022 - follow us on LinkedIn and check our Newsletter to be the first to hear about ticket sales opening as the tickets were sold out very fast last year.
As always, you can find an overview of our upcoming events on our Website, Slack (Channel: events) and our Newsletter. We are looking forward to hopefully seeing you again soon, in person or at our online events.
Best regards, Your ETH AI Center team |
Survey 2022: What Do You Expect? |
The ETH AI Center is just one year young. We would be happy to learn what kind of events and workshops you would like to see in 2022. |
Recruitment of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 |
In total, almost 800 applications from all over the world reached us for our Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowship program. The corresponding doctoral and postdoctoral symposiums in which the candidates presented their research already took place on January 26-27th and February 10-11th respectively. We would like to thank all the candidates for their inspiring presentations and wish them best of luck in the further process. The candidates will receive their decision letters soon & the recruitment of the ETH AI Center Fellowship 2022 generation will be announced shortly. If you are looking to participate in our 2023 Call for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows, make sure to follow our Newsletter, where we will announce the opening of the application window. |
ETH AI Center Team Ranks 3rd in NeurIPS 2021 Competition |
To bring together the local AI community, the ETH AI Center facilitated the formation of student teams for participation in the NeurIPS competition tracks. With students from different departments involved, the goal was to foster interdisciplinary research and enable participants to gain hands-on experience in AI and Machine Learning.
We specifically want to congratulate the team MixedIntegerLamePuns for reaching third place in the global leaderboard and winning the students' leaderboard for the configuration task in the challenge Machine Learning for Combinatorial Optimization. Last but not least we want to give thanks to AWS for sponsoring the Cloud Credits used by the ETH AI Center teams. |
Eleven New Corporate Partners in 2022 |
We are happy to welcome our new Corporate Partners: Companjon, Unique, Wenger Vieli, Kaiko AI, D ONE Solutions AG, AI Retailer Systems, Ethon AI, Shaire AI, VU Engineering, GS1 Switzerland and Lakestar joined the ETH AI Center as Corporate Partners. More to follow soon!
See the list of all corporate partners here. If you want to work with our corporate partners and the ETH AI Center on a project, let us know via this airtable form.
Do you also want to become a corporate partner of the ETH AI Center? The partnership allows your organization to interact with our faculty, join our events, and to become part of our active AI Community. Please find more details about our partnership program on the link below. |
AI + Art Talk: Where Do the Boundaries Lie Between the Art World and the Digital Realm of AI? |
On the occasion of ZURICH ART MARCH!, the ETH AI Center is delighted to present an inspiring AI + Art Talk in collaboration with Zurich Art Weekend on Saturday, March 5th from 17:00 in the ETH Dozentenfoyer, Zurich. Leading figures in the fields of AI and Art will discuss the impact, and challenges of their activities in light of recent and future developments in human-centered, trustworthy AI.
Alex Ilic (CEO of the ETH AI Center), Sabine Himmelsbach (Director of the Haus der Elektronischen Künste, Basel), and Nora Al-Badri (multidisciplinary and conceptual multimedia artist, whose post-digital work has been recognized worldwide), will engage in a conversation moderated by Roland Fischer (interdisciplinary scientist, writer, and curator for art and science). |
AI + X Dialog on Nanorobotics with Prof. Simone Schürle |
We are continuing our successful event series and would like to invite you to the AI+X Dialog with Prof. Simone Schürle on March 22 at 16:00 CET. We will learn about her work on AI in Nanorobotics. You can find more events on our website! If you are representing a company, startup or are conducting research in the field of pharma/nanorobotics, please consider applying for our interactive, invite-only AI+X Lab with Prof. Simone Schürle on March 15th from 14:00 to 15:30 CET. The Lab will be held online on Zoom. The goal of the AI+X Lab is to connect decision-makers in the field & to discuss the challenges and opportunities ahead in the field. We aim at shaping our understanding of needed further research and identifying areas for collaboration between academia, startups, and industry. |
Welcome to the community news & events section!
If you have an AI event or news item in mind that we should feature in our newsletter, please feel free to submit them here. |
Events From Our Community |
Join ReceiptHero's company presentation on March 17 and gain valuable insights on digital receipts and the data surrounding them. If you are interested in participating please let us know in a short email. |
XTC Switzerland call for active supporters: Interested in engaging in XTC activities as a mentor, evaluator, and/or speaker? Then complete this very simple 2-minute form.
The Swiss Data Science Conference (SDS) is taking place as a hybrid event on June 23rd, 2022 in Lucerne. The Data Innovation Alliance which is organizing the SDS expects 450 visitors. |
News From Our Community |
AI Retailer Systems, an ETH AI Center affiliated startup, has been featured in the Handelszeitung January edition as well as in a Podcast. They leverage computer vision and sensor fusion to support autonomous retail stores similar to Amazon Go. They have also been awarded the Venture Kick top prize and thus won CHF 150,000. Learn more in the article or in the podcast.
The Edtech startup Brian is looking for a Chief Data Scientist & Co-founder. Brian is a social learning platform connecting students and teachers. The education app helps learners to access, study, and exchange knowledge with peers in a playful way while presenting teachers analytics to adapt and perform beyond current standards. Find out more about this role here. |
All the best for 2022,
Your ETH AI Center Team |