Newsletter March 2021
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ETH Domain News
(Image : ETH Zurich)
Without animal experiments there would be no COVID-19 vaccine: animal testing is essential for medical research. A ban on testing – even a gradual phase-out – would be extremely damaging for research policy, claims Detlef Günther.

Sampling at a wastewater treatment plant. (Eawag, Andri Bryner )
Coronavirus wastewater monitoring expanded
Monitoring of wastewater samples has the potential to provide a further indicator – alongside the number of cases, hospitalisations and deaths – to track the course of the pandemic. With support from the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), an existing research project is now being expanded from two to six wastewater treatment plants.

Méryl Schopfer and Julie Devènes, Master's students in Civil Engineering at the EPFL, in the hydraulic hall where a dam project on the Rhône is being tested. © 2021 Alain Herzog
Women at EPFL: (civil) engineering the future
International Women’s Day Series – Like EPFL’s other branches of engineering, its civil engineering program struggles to attract female students, who account for approximately 25% of total enrollment. Nonetheless, the department is determined to boost the appeal of this discipline and the wide range of professions for which it prepares graduates. We interviewed women in Bachelor’s and Master’s programs about why they chose civil engineering and how to bring more women on board.

Evangelos Panos is convinced that if Switzerland wants to achieve the zero-emissions target by 2050, it need great efforts. (Photo: Paul Scherrer Institute/Mahir Dzambegovic)
Switzerland's energy transition
Can Switzerland, as planned, cut its CO2 emissions to zero by 2050? In a study, researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI have investigated what measures would be necessary to achieve this reduction and how much it might cost per person.

 Field testing of the Blue Diversion Autarky toilet next to an existing dry toilet with urine separation (left) in a garden in Durban, South Africa. (Photo: Autarky, Eawag)
Climate change influences river flow
River flow has changed significantly worldwide in recent decades. An international research team led by ETH Zurich has now demonstrated that it is climate change, rather than water and land management, that plays a crucial role at a global level.

Does computer science still have a "woman problem"?
11 m 34 s
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